
On the other side of the courtyard, a huge pyre burnt, various demonic forms were being tossed onto it. a magus was directing the smoke and odor of burning flesh straight up, so as not to desecrate the dead.

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Seiko no Oni - Hyakki Yagyo

An oddity he found was shrines devoted to various demons. more unusual was the shrines actually could send prayers to a demon when the human praying had no spiritual ability whatsoever. oni ignored it, but raijin always wondered how it worked.

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Fallen for the Flesh - Part 4

incubi in need of that precious cream, and in general playing the field and fucking random demons as she wanted, whenever the mood struck her.

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Chosen - 1.03 "Bad Math"

I told him how i was the chosen one because my mom died and i fought various demons to keep the balance between good and evil. i told him about shadows and all the scary things that go bump in the night.

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"Don't Play With Magic" - Story by Kaz

He wondered if this was how it all ended, being tossed around between various demons.

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Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 13

I'll also seek to speak with the various demons in our family. though i don't expect much to come of it, since they are bound to this realm, still it can't hurt." i rose from the seat and gave the archmage a bow.

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Unraveling His Persona: Part 4

A twinge of embarrassment crept into morgana's heart, the memories of a various demons taking him for various reasons. yet through all of it, the feeling of being filled by a larger, sexy male always made the experience enjoyable.

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My Great Big Brother - Where Wolves Dare

He looked about, eyes widening as the black blood from the various demons that lay spilt in vast puddles across the gray dust started to evaporate.

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Wretched and Divine

It was a quick walk as the crowds parted nicely for the large bear, the crow doing his best to try and lead the angelic creature as smoothly as possible through the throngs of various demons, trying not to let his holiness disturb too much of the club's

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Sunlight on a broken column

This chapter is a little more slow-paced and perhaps a little more cerebral; there's a fair amount of dialogue, most of which surrounds the dog, and others, confronting various demons.

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Wild Card

Along the way, we ran into various demons as most of the killing was done by an enraged tiger and shadow-mane. at the end of the hall were those same adamantium double doors.

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