Digimon Savers:Blue Is Their Favorite Color (Female Gaomon and Tohma!)

Commander satsuma asked, his hands behind his back and sunglasses gleaming in the artifical light. "report?"touma asked, clueless. "the report i asked you to do yesterday on the upamon incident?"commander satsuma wondered."where is it?"


Domination and Submission Chapter 5: The Second Encounter

This chapter has low sodium, no preservatives and no artifical flavorings. please consult a napkin (or eager tongue) if wet spot occurs on pants while reading. bon appetite!

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Slave Trade - Put to Work

Machinery." the stag acknowledged, "the tenverians are masters at constructing devices of all kinds, combining magic with physical objects... it is an ancient secret among their most skilled engineers called 'artificing'. "but... what..."

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College Freshfox

Country-class, 5km diameter rotating bowl shaped artifical gravity habitation section. access to thew rotating bowl is via a central spindle lift of about 10m diameter. gravity lowers toward the spindle due to reducing diameter at constant spin.

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[Argus_Labs] Blurring the Lines 4

"Hey, Viktor, I'm done upgrading the server banks for Vylinous Delights. Am I clear to head home now?" Kait asked, looking up at her boss. The naga was currently suspended from the ceiling from a few specially thin metal poles, making sure the server...

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Through the Horizon_What's Lost is Found

If i didn't know better i would swear it is an artifically created city. i'm getting energy readings and life signs. but it is under water, so that makes no sense." bane thought on what lucian had just said....it couldn't be, it just wasn't possible.

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A Birthday Party to Remember

Home, sweet home. The otter closed the door behind her, locked it, and immediately noticed that the apartment was not as she'd left it. She froze. All the lights were off. She never turned them _all_ off. No, someone had been here. Her neck-fur...

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Tale From the Synth - Series One - Chapter Four -

Tales From the Synth - Series One - Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 15thMarch, 2023 All Rights Reserved. Squeaky visibly trembled, as Clyde just grinned and took a two handed grasp of his limp penis. "Master..." Squeaky moaned, his eyes...

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For Love of Love 26: I heard some things...

Besides, those fools at the bddo probably hadn't even considered the idea of an artificial digimon yet, let alone the idea of an artifical digimon following programmed behavior that had been embedded by someone of a human persuasion.

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A Sabrewolf Encore (1/4)

"you know how much it costs to create and transport an artifical biological construct to another world, we can't just do it because you want to help someone you met there."

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We don't need to call the mage hunters (Applesandwich commission)

Yes, and it's why i'd been working on a spell to convert innate magics into artificed form." "i don't... _what?_" mep drew himself up primly - an impossible task, in slippers and a robe. "hunter hasker! consider this my application."

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Dog Gone (10)

"welcome," an artifical female voice said above us as the automatic doors opened. fresh air was sucked out rapidly. it was cool, air conditioned. the doors slid shut behind us with a be-boop. "welcome ms. blaq." the voice said above us.

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