Finding Home (Chapter 1)

Berny-" "bernard," bernard interjected quickly and sternly. "-berny," sam worded again just as sternly, "and i have a proposition for you." "oh? and what would that be?"

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Our Little Mistake

He winked and strolled off to check on something, leaving bernard standing there. the rest of the day was spent with bernard trying to keep himself busy.

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Nice Piece Of Tail

Amelia and bernard sat on either side of the couch across from the fireplace. everything seemed easy going enough, like amelia said. they talked about random things, life, and regaling bernard on funny times in their shared past.

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Camping Trip Chapter 2: An Afternoon to Remember

bernard however, wasn't as familiar with his temper. "don't treat him like that!" bernard shouted from across the fire.

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Socially Awkward. Chapter Three.

He was the one who first got reese and bernard involved in such ugly affairs; promising them riches, woman or guys and most importantly. respect. reese pulled up outside of bernard's home.

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From Defeat Comes Victory (4/7)

Sabyn said with a shrug, which caused bernard's jaw to drop. "what do you mean so?" bernard shot back. "you haven't..." "why do you think i was there so long?"

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The Furry Inquisition - The Great And Mighty Tale (and Tail)

He glared out of the corner of his eye at bernard. it was, of course, all bernard's idea to dress up as women and try to slip across the border.

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Cast Me! Chapter 3

bernard hung his head. "i'm so sorry, bernard. i wish i didn't get you caught up in this...," res tried to comfort him. bernard took res's paw and led him out into the hall which was empty at the time since classes had started.

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The Misadventures of Mr Stanley Smith

I shouldn't have listened to bernard and ju..." "bernard?" the horse had stood up to look at greg now, his manhood still loose, shirt now matted. "what the hell does bernard have anything to do with this? what'd the fucker say?"

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The Misadventures of Mr. Stanley Smith

I shouldn't have listened to bernard and ju..." "bernard?" the horse had stood up to look at greg now, his manhood still loose, shirt now matted. "what the hell does bernard have anything to do with this? what'd the fucker say?"

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Golden Eyes

As soon as bernard left out his wrists, poli followed the lovely shape of bernard's body, going up until he had his pecs at reach. it was even better than what he imagined.

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