Written Love - Part 2

He rubbed his nuts, hoping to ease the blueballs he was suffering, but even that didn't help him as he noticed the rhythmic motion of benjamin's arm.

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What Went Wrong - Scene 7

"do it, blueballs. if i have to wrestle you down, i will." it actually made the large one lightly chuckle due to her being just over half his size. snorting playfully before doing so, exhaling deeply like he was suddenly resting on a cloud.

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A Prince's Correnation

"i'm not about to sit here and get blueballs. hey you over there," the big hyena called over to a smaller light gray one. "come over and suck on my cock."

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Renewing His Vows

Be warned that there's some heavy ballbusting and blueballing ahead. naimi ain't particularly gentle with her favorite toys. er. toy. singular. comments appreciated as always. enjoy! "oh fuck, i'm cumming again, i'm cumming agaaaaaaiiinnnn!!!"

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Fallout - A preview

] [supply requests] [maintenance requests] [logs]** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "and now the vault is infected with a serious case of blueballs

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Rotties Beware!

_got a serious blueballs case, can you help?_ he typed to larry, using his normal texting app, the one he used for those he trusted; humptr was just the first stage after all.

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Chapter Three

She turned on her heel and strode away, leaving nick blueballed and alone, struggling to pull his pants up and zip them before anyone else could see his apparently puny dick.

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Sex Drive

I was still feeling blueballed and i wanted out on the track as soon as possible. wrady understood, to a point. he thinks i'm just a speed junkie. i am, of course, but not always the way he thinks. i checked my car out quickly.

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No Free Ride

After a couple hours of fun, taking pictures of his deviant acts, he'd go home and take care of the growing case of blueballs. his brown and black ears perked up when the door opened and his spine straightened. "customer?" he thought hopefully.

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Moving Day

I'm blueballed to hell and back, so if you don't mind, i'm just gonna go ahead and rub one out." the sergoat turned in her seat and stared at the buck with her brows furrowed and a frown.

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Bondage and Discipline 06

If he kept it up very long, he'd get blueball; and i knew it quite well from my own training. i was very careful with the dungeon's property. again i ordered ned to suck me off, and again he submitted as i pulled his ears.

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Butch seemed to like my muzzle more than enough, but after an entire week of blueballing he was quite eager indeed to get under my tails.

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