
We were apparently scheduled to canoe for the rest of the afternoon, as by the time we got back to the main hall dinner had already commenced.

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The Angry Beavers - A Night of Dagscovery

This startled norbert awake, causing him to bang his head on the bottom of daggett's canoe. "geh.. daggett, what on earth are you doing," norbert asked, rubbing his sore head with one paw.

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Islands of Wet Dreams, Chapter 3: Explosions of All Sorts

Toby leaned back as soon as the wolf grabbed for the canoe, holding his hands tight to the sides as it wobbled back and forth.

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The River In The Mist

Lusa released the branch an instant before their boats collided; the canoe shot away downstream like an arrow, with the other craft in close pursuance.

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Shark Weak

Leilani returned to her canoe and began paddling back to shore. she couldn't quite hide her own smile.

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Tribal Legends 1 - The story of Ti'Kan and Ka'Mi

They floated like this for a few hours, when they saw a canoe in the mist. that were furries from a friendly tribe. the canoe was almost full. they rowed closer and offered a lift to one person.

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Things vaginas are called

Smuggler, mumbler, dinner roll, crotch waffle, piss fenders, crack, melvin, dove breast, brakepads, vedgie, slurpy, vacuum vulva, pastrami flaps, hot tamaki walk, buffalo gums,rooster jaws, wagon ruts, beaver teeth, mumble pants, ninja boot, marcia, skin canoe


Quetza's Quest: Prologue and Chapter 1

Now, if quetza had remember correctly, the ice cavern was due north from the golgi volcano, and the only way to reach it was by canoe. he was forced to canoe his way through the intricate river canals.

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Escape and Survival

Both youngsters lurched forward as the canoe hit something. the canoe had hit the side of a house. "oops..." mazia mumbled. topaz shot her friend a glance before pushing them away.

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Tribes of Anowara: Prologue

As they got closer, he realized what they were: kígáat war canoes. the kígáat were their human brethren, the folk they split off from all those hundreds of years ago.

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Finding Rayraw Island - Natia Emory - Chapter 4

"by see it, do you mean canoe by it or actually go stand on it and feel its sand between ur webbed toes?" "not only do i want to feel the sand, i want to explore the rest of the island."

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Possy & Squirt (Day 2)

The canoe glided forward, its leisurely pace no match for the pair's mania-induced velocity. the human had just breached the mouth of the bay and entered the ocean proper. a safe distance behind the canoe, squirt popped his head out of the water.

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