Chapter 9

I wonder if chrys would be able to actually tailor my overcoat if something happened to it..." he went off topic partially, but still stayed within the subject.

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Box Cars and Park Benches

The flower lady told me the japanese use them in the festival of happiness and that the 'chrys' means 'golden' in greek, so i thought it was fitting."

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Mind Games: Lyncanthrope - Chapter 1

Once sniff and chrys will be sneezing for a week." the human grunted in disgust. "is it my imagination or are the criminals getting smarter these days."

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FFTA:FC Chapter 1

"excuse me, sir," she said shyly, "is this the meeting place for clan chrys..." she thought for a moment. "chrysta... chrysi..." "chrysalis?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "that's it, yes." he chuckled.

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 38

Annie really liked cormac, though, and she felt hurt that he never asked her out again after that, though deep down she knew the reason why at least according to his half-sister chrys ann who was her friend.

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Hidden Power of a Wolves Heart

.\*\* "c...chrys....tal...." i collapsed to the ground, succumbing to my wariness, and drifted to sleep. 7 - arrival to a new home i woke up and everything in my vision was fuzzy. "where am i?"

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A Tale of Two Captains

Sitting slightly off from the other members of the team, chrys brachy had his arms crossed. the big wolf was leaning back, and he was doing his best to ignore the looks coming to him.

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Give Us a Twirl

(apologies to anybody who remembers my previous work and has been waiting for the next part of ross' and chrys' story. it's still in my head somewhere, but hasn't come out yet.) this is another entry in the "just friends" collection.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 8

Rosie, i'm your great-great-great granddaughter, lilly...chrys ann was my great-great grandmother. i carry the memories ya shared, and when jamie and i can have kits, i'll share your memories with them like momma did with me, and grandma before her.

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Started with a Rock (Giant Formating nightmare)

I wonder if chrys would be able to actually tailor my overcoat if something happened to it..." he went off topic partially, but still stayed within the subject.

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