Escape With Me

Many were heckled by people or harassed when they walked down the streets. one lycanthrope, a shark from the looks of it, even referenced dulion.

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Comfortable in your Skin

The harassing calls had continued every day at different times. yesterday was just as she was falling asleep. dulion grabbed his phone and silenced the alarm. maybe an early start to his day would be nice for a change.

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Night at the Galaxy: Chapter 2 Work Begins

"because you know that shit is making me upset" "it's my job to keep folks from harassing staff" "well fine, do your job." "knew you'd see things my way."

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Please wish me luck

He please wish me luck tomorrow at school i'm going to be in a meeting about this dude who assaulted me and harassed me bc i'm a furry


Luna Chapter 28 - Busted

While we needed to make sure our safe room rules were still intact, we felt like we should be making some accommodations for furs like you who were obviously not being touched or harassed without consent.

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Friendly Direction chapter 3

But when the harassment became brutal, it made me sick." "what happened next?" "nobody understood a word i had said, of course. but my tone made it obvious what i meant.

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Breaking the Alpha

After months of lewd innuendo at valerie and incessant harassing of her two friends, they had had enough and hatched a plan to get their revenge on the dober.

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An Expression of Exhibitionism

Yes, yes, that means you, too, waiters harassing the young woman." _oh god..._ "it seems that we have a dress code in this carriage.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 22, The Calm Before the Storm

What have i told you about harassing people in my store?!" "of course you're harassing! you are always harassing! and i won't have it in my store!" he said putting himself between victoria and karen. "now then, what are you here for?

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 15

Several times, they were worried they were going to be harassed by one of the order members, but luckily the few they passed were already busy haranguing someone else.

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Office Payback

The boss's new secretary, a male fox hired to replace a tigress who'd left because of sexual harassment, looked shocked "what!? you've never seen someone get fired before?"

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Serenifi: Puppy Love

"now, fifi, we've recently been getting reports from other students that you were sexually harassing them." "what? when have i done zat?"
