Foot Fetish Story: Tickling Toy

You need a mega-makeover." "...fuck. fine." # it took them no less than four hours to finish the entire shopping trip. by the time they got home, abis was utterly exhausted, and he looked completely different.

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KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 7

She was fully dressed and had been giving a makeover, it was her at best. jade's jaw dropped, he reached out to touch her hand, he fondled her clothes and examined her. "mouse, she's beautiful." jade said, and mouse gave a nod.

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Knight of Lizard

"i'm just giving you a nice makeover, you do need one. a human white knight? that's so overdone, you need a new life to give you some perspective on things. i'm all too happy to help you out. now...

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makeover." the doe's emphasis on each word added to the drama of the moment. "we are going to have so much fun! and - bonus - we can get chris's thoughts on this delicious wine from beau vineyards!

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Anakata Island Anomalies 2 (Massage Makeover)

On Anakata Island during its resort's peak season, the crowded beach laid perpendicular onto the mainland of Megakat City. Behind the shoreline were the scattered vendors that sold from food and drinks to souvenirs and the shower and bathroom stalls...

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Cosmic Convenience

"he needs a makeover." there was silence and then hattie spoke up. "a total makeover!" "excuse me?" jurgen said, sitting up straight in his chair.

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Who's the King? A Lion learns that he's not on the very top of the food chain... when he meets a certain Naughty Tiger...

"it's time to give you a little makeover queenie." charn gives the lion's big balls a few more rough squeezes in their stretched sack, the tiger's belly growling quietly. "ammmm makeover?"

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Luca's Story Ch. 8

"we're getting free makeovers from garren?" "well... not free. but cheap, i swear," beccah said reassuringly. "now come on. these people have had their hands in the hair of some of the greatest furres of all time!" luca was convinced, and so they went.

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Crola the (Dark) Magical Girl (Naga TFTG)

If i'm gonna do you a makeover, might as well suit your body to my preferences." the shirt gave out and fell to the ground in shreds. two huge mounds of flesh, covered in black, shiny scales bounced as they freed themself from their fabric prison.

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 1

The house was dilapidated and described as a "home makeover dream", but the bidding never reached past a hundred thousand. he had bided eighty-nine on the house and was the only one who had bid.

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The Wolf Soul - Part Six

He looked even worse for wear, his head shaved hairless and smooth, dressed in a shapeless hospital gown - the one part of the equation that seemed to be resistant to the expensive makeover that had changed everything from slippers to bed remote into something

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Super Sneakers: Chapter 4

So, we're going to do a little...makeover." "did you have to call it that, lefty?" "well, what do you want to call it? it's giving him a different look, and that's what people here call that."

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