Curse of the Crinkle Crate | Chapter 7

As he felt the front of his diapers expand as another wetting accompanied them he sighed in resignation and padded up to the stairs once more to change himself into another pair of diapers, grateful at least that he had now set up a small

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Do a Barrel Roll - (Fox McCloud TF Story)

Do A Barrel Roll! By: darkwolfswordsman65 / Kane Fenris Description: A young man finds the perfect cosplay costume to wear to a local convention, but it comes at a cost. "AGHH! What do you mean you are going as a Pokémon trainer! I told you months...

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Work Pressures

Now get your tush on the bed kid, let's get you padded up and out in the living room with your toys and playpen. the diaper change went quick, and before tom knew it he was thickly padded and wearing the cutest autumn-patterned onesie.

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Diaper Pride

Mommy asks, hir face flushed with concern as shi set down the stack of pink padding on an empty chair nearby. the four diapers were about a foot high of folded cloth and soaking inserts.

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 8

#8 of warm hearts, padded tails and here's chapter 8! this will be the conclusion to finn and vulcan's story, at least for the time being as i work on a few other stories. but don't worry!

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 7

He giggled quietly to himself, patting the new diaper a few times as well, noticing the amount of padding between his legs.

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 6

#6 of warm hearts, padded tails and here's chapter 6! finn's first little day officially starts, with vulcan taking good care of the padded pokemon. i hope you enjoy!

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 5

Finn padded along behind him, looking up at the walls as they passed by picture frames surrounding old family photos.

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 4

#4 of warm hearts, padded tails and here it is, the chapter you've been waiting for - the explicit one. i hope you enjoy it!

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 3

As he reached the couch, he pulled himself up and _pomphed_himself onto it, the padding under his tails raising him up slightly higher off of the seat as his legs once more swung back and forth in the air.

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 2

#2 of warm hearts, padded tails chapter 2 has arrived! enjoy the beginnings of finn and vulcan's first date!

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 1

He could feel the padding underneath his sweatpants, giving a slight extra waddle to his walk and comfortably wrapping around him in a swaddle that gave a feeling of safety.

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