Bondage and Discipline 07

We degrade ourselves below our sapience when we're forced to choose, and it becomes so very hard to resist any command because we crave the pleasure.

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CBC - Mindless Copy

It seems only that higher consciousness and sapience are what is missing from the brain scans for a true mimeogene." she bit her lip for a moment. "further scan tests will continue in the morning. end recording."

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Dating An Heir (Pt 10)

The reason we were highly sought after was our pack mentality which survived the transition from sentience to sapience in our species. we worked great in teams, better than the hominids which inhabited the spec ops before the event.

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WtV: Species Archetypes / General Info - WIP

They are however maybe even more devoted to humans, in particular "their humans", as these gifted them sapience and entrusted their lives to them, as the humans couldn't know what would happen.

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The Sekkusu World

So instead of making better humans, he turned to the animals, the wild or domesticated, and began to ponder if these beings yet to develop sapience can do such if given the right body.

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Egg End Evolution

They couldn't quite staunch the effects of sapience in cattle. as in, the unruliness and violent outbursts from a beast that no longer knew why it held such feelings.

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Red and the Wolf

Humans have all that sapience nagging at them -- the local priest didn't know what he was warning the nubile young women about. he just read the book, and he probably molested the choirboys after service.

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Para-Imperium Setting Data

The church of the noosphere's goal is two-fold, to settle dispute within the noosphere so that it may think straight, and to expand the noosphere across the universe so that it may form the complex thoughts needed for true sapience.

Fatal Radiance - Chapter 19

Well, i suppose judging by your looks you probably are not so tech-savvy as i am, so to make it simple e.p.o.s. is a system with its own sentience and sapience, capable to determine its own decisions.

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A Bitterleaf Tryst

The drive to breed had never outpaced her sapience. she had _standards_. she wasn't going to have _anyone's_ egg. she was going to wait until she was nice and ready, and that wasn't happening until she'd gotten everything she wanted in life.

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Real Rondis

The new orca woman, still animal in mind, had seemed very much confused until the last bit of the spell had kicked in, uplifting her mind to true sapience.

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Ceryx Expedition Species Log #1: Ghillie Spiders

While the species is fully aware of the sapience of the settlers for example, this only matters to them in terms of threat-assessment or acquisition.

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