Pokemon: Moral Shadows- Chapter 1

I would also like to give a shout out to shinji\_hiroku, who's series "the club" is what inspired me to start writing.

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A Cheeky Husky (Saint Francis Christmas Side Story.)

Seriously i hated shinji so much, i would love to be in a giant robot but noo i had to watch a big crybaby try to work out his daddy issues over saving the world." pooka grumbled. "we are here."

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Modern Times in Durik: Sake with a Bakedanuki

"shinji rarenai! well done my worshippers!" rorark shivered, finding it extremely difficult to handle his afterglow. "f-fuck~ i-i didn't know i could do that..."

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Furry Fist ch 2 - The Fist Gathers Forces

Furry Fist - The Fist Gathers Forces The very moment the mouse girl woke up she jumped onto her feet with a single jerk. Overly excited but completely speechless, she looked everywhere around her until her view reached the...

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Furry Fist ch 1 - The Fist is Striking

Furry Fist - The Fist is Striking Fauho had just stepped out into the night, but he already had to stop again. "Where exactly are we going?", he wondered loud as if asking the world itself. His companions stopped with...

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Furry Fist - Proloque...or The Fist is Rising

...my first try on an independent story and my biggest idea. doesn't contain yiff but a romantic relationship between two males. just to let you know. ...also, this is a cry for attention... He stood at the window,...

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Light my Heart - part 3

This is the third chapter of \>Light my heart\< by Lord Patamon. I have his permission to continue his story and I'll try my very best to make him proud. I suggest, to read the previous parts before this one which are...

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Furry Fist ch 3 - The Fist is Shaking

Furry Fist - The Fist is Shaking The gryphon landed on the roof beside the two foxes. "There is something you should see", he addressed Fauho. Leading them to the lab, they halted in front of a big black cube. It could...

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Escape Womb

Contains: written consent via waivers, gender dysphoria, friendly boy banter, flat-chested ladies, mommy dom stuff, undressing, reassurance, unbirthing, sleep to predscape, dream transformation, pouch exploration, puzzle solving, get in the pod shinji, exact

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The Persistent Dragon

:0 ~special thanks to shinji hiroku who helped me get rid of some of the cheesy and mawkish (awesome word) writing i had. ~you're welcome for the f/solo scene, xainyu. :p

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Level Five, Graduation!: A Pink & Blue Diaperfur Adventure, Part Three

shinji is not what i would call friendly." the wolf's eyes sparkled as he remembered play scenes from long ago. "not since he's grown up anyway."

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Girl Pox: Frantic Frathouse Fiasco

"woah, shinji rarenai! morgan is that you?" she asked. "it's monique now." i grinned at her. she smiled, "ooo, i like it." one of the other row girls piped up, "there's three of them. i thought you said there were only two."

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