Shortcut Through Orcish Territory
There was an essence in the air, and if the knight had possessed a more extensive knowledge concerning the swamps, he would know that in this forgotten region, both humans and orcs had grown in symbiosis with that peculiar red fungus which grew so populous
Study Group
"and, a commencalism is the least common of the three types of symbiosis. an example of a situation where a species becomes dependant on another without having either a positive or negative effect upon it.
Mother and Son: Chapter 2
The rain and his mother worked in perfect symbiosis to rock him into sleep again. next to wake up was misaluv. the rain was falling even harder now and she joked with herself that the next time she woke the windows would break.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 14
Disarria and i read facts like this for fun and these mushrooms grow in symbiosis with a waste product moss that induces rage. does the switcheroo sound like a plan here?" "yes.
The Daisy Chronicles 2: Wishes
The answer was a symbiosis with another organism, which fed the nanite lattice in our bodies. a harmony of human, nanite, and engineered symbiote which kept everyone alive, and thanks to its biological nature, was sexually transmitted.
Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 45
"it's a symbiosis, they don't kill us or hurt us. they grant us power in return for what we do for them. what you're doing is parasitical." "denton, denton, denton.
Romeo and Goo-liet
The instigators of the sudden outbreak of spontaneous gelatinous symbiosis and the resulted rapid pregnancy and oviposition that had several members of the football team passed out and unconscious over the sudden perceived blow to their manliness.
Hyper Hermaphrodite Hot Tub Thrusts: Dominating the Dragoness (erotic eBook teaser)
A living, sentient, goo-being, it is coming for her, bringing her to it as one, one creature, bound in the delight of symbiosis. a symbiotic relationship benefits both of them as her body warms with blood, aching, desire coursing through.
Study Group (A Jeeves Flash Prompt, Posted with Permission)
"a-and, a commensalism is the least common of the three types of symbiosis. an example of a situation where a species becomes dependant on another without having either a positive or negative effect upon it.
No Frills: Siber
Despite the stresses of her situation, she formed an excellent symbiosis with siber and this meant that they had a strong, safe, and trusting bond from the start.
Hyper Hermaphrodite Hot Tub Thrusts: Steamy Dragon Lust (erotic eBook teaser)
A living, sentient, goo-being, it is coming for her, bringing her to it as one, one creature, bound in the delight of symbiosis. a symbiotic relationship benefits both of them as her body warms with blood, aching, desire coursing through.
OR: RaiRaijin's Kobolds
**allies** : while believe it or not, kobolds do actually have allies to some extant despite the apparent inequality in such relationships, they benefit from the symbiosis of them.