The Thread Of Dawn Act 2 - Caught In The Storm

Another statement that fluttered his large armored heart, spreading that sad smirk like an epidemic as the wyrm held onto his thread tightly... his thread.

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These are said to be the very first dreamwalkers to exist, and they created the first thread, the origin thread, simply as a show of power.

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The Guardians Shadow ch9

The mans body was mostly covered in thread by this point and the spider was slowly wrapping him from his feet to his head. making sure that every inch of the man was covered tightly by it's thread. just like someone wraps a thread around a spool.

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A Composer's Lament - Thursday Prompt Story [#10, 09/3/23]

He knelt to pick one such thread up and twisted it around a bit with his fingers. the thread gently rose in the air and split apart to reveal, from within the hole made in the thread, a colorful and vibrant mountainside, making the conductor smile.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 58

Black thread, bending backwards.) hoping that... (black thread. no hope.) "salem! oh gods!" (the eye was too small. she didn't have the skill or the ability. she could do nothing. nothing. absolutely nothing...) "saleeem!"

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There was no time

Online, "hey, need a hug" but none will dare the silence breach i've lost my thread, it loosens up the ball threatens to come undone i message friends, i search around but it is clear i am alone i seek the threads, the jumbled mess i try

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 45

It put a finger to the bundle of thread he'd assembled before him. "and i'll even be nice and not kill them, after all, it isn't like the knew they were betraying me." he burned the thread.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 43

But what if he couldn't, denton realized. it took him a moment to find it, but he saw the thread that connected damian's astral body to his physical one. what if that thread was cut, then he'd be trapped here.

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The Guardians Shadow ch11

A helpless little fly has fallen pray to my poison thread." the spider quickly moved along it's thread to it's helpless pray, then let itself down from the canopy by a single thread upside-down. (author: ever seen the spiderman movies?

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 149

Black thread, bending backwards.) hoping that... (black thread. no hope.) "rufio! oh gods!" (the eye was too small. she didn't have the skill or the ability. she could do nothing. nothing. absolutely nothing...) "rufiooo!"

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The Deal

Leaving a fresh trail of markings as the threads started to squeeze tightly around offenders member, which was already hard from the anticipation.

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