Passing Time in an Abandoned Temple

She didn't know why dark elf women were so angry if zek's skill had anything to say. the elf knew just where to dig as if his tongue was being guided.

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Candle in the Darkness

He almost giggled remembering telas's reaction when seeing it for the first time, it being the first and only time he ever thanked being born a dark elf.

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Chapter 7: Bounty of Work

Although, akalgan was not in opposition to another dark elf concubine, as far as he was concerned. on various encounters with dark elves, akalgan did find the younger dark elves to be 'aesthetically pleasing', even the boys.

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Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 1

Something nusha took for granted was torture for the dark elf, who within minutes was already whining of cramps and boredom.

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Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 6: Divergent Paths

The dark elf frowned, staring at the naked hyena for a minute before replying. "lithium." "lithium." tanzi repeated as she looked over the dark elf's body. she was quite a muscular girl, and her figure was more curved and full.

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A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 4

She looked like a dark elf too, but she was nude and had on a slave collar, so i left her alone.

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Belial: Two-Headed Monster

She had been dark elves before, but she barely remembered them. they were beautiful, gorgeous individuals, with their dark skin and their light hair.

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Devotion (Kreet - 37)

"i don't think so," kreet said, then looked to the dark elf. "urmelena, what will you do if sig gives you his sword back right now?" kreet asked the still-prone drow. the dark elf's face turned contrite. "i'll lead you on to the stairway of course."

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Liquid Seduction

He could practically feel the dark elf's warm silver eyes on him, so he elected to give him a decent show.

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Chapter II: Memories

"_ _the dark elf turned back to the dragon. "know that it's not what i'd like to happen..." telos quickly explained to the red dragon.

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