First Contact - Illustrated!

Any moment now the word would come back from ground control and he would be the first live person to make the jump to faster than light travel.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 22

Rt drives functioned via complex scientific processes that required exactly a certain amount of energy to generate the singularity that made faster than light travel effectively possible.

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Star Sapphire: Prologue

On top of faster-than-light travel, on top of a galaxy of new experiences and peoples, major house nal'galagar stood to give the uvand back their future as a species.

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New Horizons (An Iri Keltesh story)

As the argothae, iri had had the seat specially modified to accommodate his long, tapered tail; even so, the craft was not exactly a luxury liner and the cockpit did start to feel rather cramped after a couple hours in the black of space, or the blue of faster-than-light

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Ancient Conditioning

Maybe travellers taking a slow method of faster-than-light travel, or pirates, and even spacefarers in need of repairs or supplies. they'd stop, build a temporary dwelling, stock up on supplies, and then scamper off again.

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New World, New Customs

Also due to resource limitations, faster than light travel was deemed superfluous to the colonist transport vessels. as an engineer said, "they will get there when they get there. time dilation will make the long journey seem short to them.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 16

"pursuing their coup d'etat, the mutineers jumped in their fleet, risking significant damage to the planet from close faster-than-light travel, in their attempt to capture the ambushed fist of the nascent dawn.

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Blaze of Glory Chapter 1

The ship shuddered as it was forced from the semi-reality that was faster-than-light travel. the engines blinked out as it drifted through the void and slipped into a wide elliptical orbit about the beyond-ancient sun.

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10KLY2: Chapter 7

"do you also have faster-than-light travel capability?" "yes, we do. our fastest ships can go about fifty thousand times faster than light." "so you could cover the distance in...let's see...about a month?

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First Impressions

faster-than-light travel was quite convenient for commerce and adventuring, but hell on record-keeping and many other things. including intelligence.

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The Permyriads

We have developed theories that may allow for faster than light travel. we are establishing laboratories in space to test those theories. it is very exciting, dax. science and technology are evolving so rapidly now.

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Zero Point: Chapter 21- Picking Up the Pieces

faster than light travel is as easy to these people as a transcontinental flight is for mine. laser pistols capable of hurting creatures with enough natural armor that bullets just bounce right off.

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