Kayla: Consequence Today

She was treated then to an unexpected and fairly forceful blow to her right hip that made her legs lose strength, shaking as her body lowered against the corner and her maw let out a cry.

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Insult to Injury

Having stopped his spanking to drill in such a slow, forceful blow, tolk removed his paw from the child's rear, peering down to that pinkened boy-hole in examination.

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'Are you sure?'

The teabagging changed to a forced blow job... forced? hmm, maybe calling it 'forced' isn't all that accurate here. after all... this blue fox was asking for it, he needed this.

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Immoral Fruit #4

Just like with that forceful blowjob, matthew was exhibiting a bit of strength that caused amelia to whimper in submission. once again, she _whimpered_ in_submission_. but the whimper was not one of fear or apprehension. no, no, amelia was_smiling_.

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Cursed... (part 3)

"his body is too weak, it's clear that he didn't put anything in his mouth today other than a forced blowjob... when you drive him home tonight, make sure he eats.

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Different Kinds of Prison

With a satisfied sigh, the dog held him there, appreciating the forced blowjob he was getting. "there you go. i knew you had it in you," jared said, tauntingly.

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Gang War Finale

She got as much as little rumble out, approving of what she saw before she was knocked flat by the forceful blow of oryx cum hitting her in the face. it poured all over her tits, her features, leaving her guzzling the stuff.

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A forceful blow from behind threw alexander to the ground, as his body hit the ground, he grunted, feeling the massive frame of thaddius grab him and pin him.

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Animal Attractions

This seemed to be just what whirlpool had expected, because, as soon as tristan nodded, he thrust his entire dolphin cock into tristan in a full force blow that made tristan flinch.

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Diary of a Sex Slave - My introduction

Her free paw reared back, coming down on my cheek with a forceful blow that knocked me to my side across the bed. the pain was excruciating!

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