The Legend Of Spyro: The Aftermath CH 4

But your set has to be befitting a lord, and future king" michael said to flame as he was touching up his own armor, shining it to look brand new.

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Mufasa's Morning Lessons-Two

It splatted heavily on the future king's belly, covering him from just above his sheath to just beneath his neck.

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A preview of Chapter 6 PART 3

If so then the only place you can go to find it is chaos, but for that to work you would have to be the hero reborn or the future king of chaos. i'm not sure if you are either. however i can say that the cause of your friends change is you.

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The Pride - Character Bios.

Almost as if someone was setting up traps to take out the future king, one of such events was attempted to be linked to ghavrah, though akinlana felt for certain he was responsible for them all.

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TLK - Such love - Simba x Nala

Simba reaches his head to nuzzle nala as she nuzzles him back, "i love you so much nala" he purrs "i love you more simba, goodnight my future king" she smiles before separating from nuzzling, "goodnight my queen" he smiles back.

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Diversia - Chapter One - False Peace

In the kingdom of the royal lion pride, rulers king leo the 3rd and his queen, sara had just had their first born child, a son named jock, the future king of the lion prides.

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The Eternal Forest - Chapter III

"how does the once and future king want this taken care of?" "discreetly." the fire in his eyes flared again, jaw set firm. "cloak in politics and poison if you must, just get this done." "your will be done, my king."

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Simba and company (Vore, Crossover)

It was a mystery...except to one, simba the future king of the pride lands, who made it back home with no injuries and a new-found taste for pets.

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Seed of the Wolf God

If he was to earn the right to become future king of their tribe, he needed to do everything to ensure he would secure that title, and to protect them.

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Embrace of the Serpent Men

"bow before your future king." the left serpent men told me. the giant serpent man turned from the window and showed the front half of his body. he was incredibly built, it was like looking at the body of a greek god.

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Sir Auric and the Dragon

"a future king would be best suited to the company of nobility, not those . . . savages." "yes, my lady," he said, genuflecting. the jolly fat king tottered forward. "godspeed and all that," he muttered, "kill us a dragon."

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The Lion King III: Simba X Kovu

"why did you resign as the future king of the pride lands? don't you want to be king?" he asked inquisitively.

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