A Place to Belong - Chapter 24

I looked up and saw the sign confirming i was in the right place, 'the garden of eden', several vine like plants had grown out from the garden and wrapped themselves round the door way sign and several windows of the floors above.

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Operation A-Go

The creator of this garden of eden lived on the other side of the road across the once barren field.

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"Amnesia" Chapter 3

If you truly are in the garden of eden, you may well need them to survive. do what you must to get out. yours, r.l. when he finished reading the note, blaze tossed it aside and walked away, followed by sakura.

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Lizard King

The neo cells had been recovered from the primordial ooze known as the garden of eden, which had been found by a research team, aden and his wife lilith.

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The Devil May Care 26

He took no shame in flaunting his own body, just as the mortals had done when they were still in the garden of eden. it was clear, as well, that this dusk didn't care whether he was seen.

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Red Twilight World Walker Chapter 4 the Man Called Devil

"old fay story, it was one of the names of the gardener of eden. what of it?"

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A tail of Kinne

Here in such a place that was compared to the gardens of eden themselves, we find a young bear cub racing with panted breath.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 12, Into the Woods & Causing Trouble

But the man was acting like she was the snake that had offered eve the apple in the garden of eden. he was pressed as far as his bonded would allow him away from the vixen in rapt fear of her. "what happened to him?" frank asked.

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Uncarved Block

People who first met soma were sometimes reminded of the story of the garden of eden, because he was a snake in a grove who offered people things.

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Hair of the Dog

Under the covers, like the serpent from the garden of eden, the tip of his tail sought out raley's hip, caressing its side and raley's knee, making him twitch. "yeah. got an appointment at nine."

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A garden of eden of sorts, though as some find out when they get there, all is not what it seems. \* \* \* her hand barely kissed the waters of the slow moving jewel river she was lounging next to, her fingers being cooled by the pleasantly warm water

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