Tales from Silicon City 17: Dungeon Crawl

Still, there was still the contents of the hard drive and according to a drawn map left in the desk drawer below her console, the vault wasn't too far from here.

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Hey sorry that i haven't been posted the next part of my story but my hard drive kind fucked out do i need to buy a new one and place my back-ups on the new one so i don't know how long that'll take but i 'll try to finish the part and post it asap.



Gigabyte groaned inwardly again, as, despite his original misgivings about being a living hard drive for sasuke's most personal data, the dinosaur had grown to love the size that such a role commanded for him.

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Chapter I – Hello, I'm James…

I pushed the button and listened to the silent sounds of spinning up hard drives and starting fans. after a few seconds the os logo appeared and i could log in. i entered my password and walked to the bathroom for a pee.

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Falling for a Lugia

In the base, they find data stored on a hard drive on the verge of failure "if this is right we can create a super weapon" a scientist says sitting at the computer in the base as he copies the hard drive as fast as possible. "5 percent left to go" he says

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Chapter Thirteen - Indestructable Electra!

"now, think of a pokeball as a hard drive. it has a ca-" "a what..." i said, frowning. "nevermind what it is." cammy giggled. "it's something that holds things. so anyway, think of a pokeball as a hard drive...

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The Tigress's Robo-Corn Toy

She still needed to take stock of what was on the portable hard drive first. _should be secure enough,_ she thought, looking over her work.

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Pokemon Homeland Chapter 5

My computers hard drive broke and i just got a new one so please forgive me! i will upload more chapters weekly so dont worry about waiting, so far i've decided to upload on weekends.

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Warming Up the Server Room

"i've had a hard drive failure and i have no idea how to recover it. the system formatted it but i know there is a way to get the stuff back after a quick-format." looking a little sheepish she sighed hard.

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Old Friends, New Possibilities Chapter 2

"you know you dont have to relocate, i'd be more than happy to have twenty-four hour tech support, you know... incase i need someone to look at my hard drive," saying the last two words ever so seductively.

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The Rose

#9 of poetry this is something i forgot i had in my hard drive. this was made about a year ago, though sadly i have forgotten the meaning to this poem. i will let you guys decide on what it means.

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