The Lion God

The mighty lion god enjoyed it all, purring deeply as paws grasped at hir body, lifting hir up and carrying hir - why should a god walk, after all?

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Lion man

lion king is own by disney i own the other oc non lion king chaters. mandla means power in zulu sipho means gift in zulu **chapter 1 what is that pink thing?

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Mating with a Lion

His cock twitched as ropes of his lion seed coated her insides, making trish dizzy with excessive pleasure. trish was astounded by the sheer amount of lion cum that leron was dumping in her.

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Facing the lion

He gulped down hard for a moment as he stared awestruck at the lion sitting in front of him. that it was a lion wasn't what scared him so bad. he had seen lions, and while they were big and usually aggressive, they weren't that bad of company.

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The Hungry Lion

Nothing all that spectacular had happened to impress lucien the lion. he was hungry though, so he began a search for something to eat. he traveled near and far. here and there. over the river and even through the woods.

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The Lion in Love

And not...lion?" the father tentatively asked her. "father, of course not lion! what kind of a name is lion and what kind of a lion is this lion who fell in love with a girl?! no, leon is a sweet and tender shepherd.

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Between The Lions

He motions for the other two lions to lift my legs vertically up toward the ceiling.

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Heart of the Lion

Once, just once i wish i could have the heart of a lion.

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A Lion's Bitch

After a moment or two, a lion stepped through the door. it wasn't just any lion, but the very lion that he had put on retainer three weeks ago and had been thinking of calling on later tonight.

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Lion Hearted

The roar was that of a lion, a lion that jake was clearly becoming. his spine was popping and stretching as jake gained more length to suit his bestial frame.

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