I Pay My Rent Every Day

Strong paws gripped his hips and lifted him a little further up so he was poised over the foot long shaft.

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Rook Takes Bishop

A slim, but extremely long shaft suddenly pounced into his open muzzle and right down his throat, silencing the poor yoshi's cries almost instantly. "oh yeah, that's it, koomer, fuck that boy's throat.."

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~Nirad and The Twins~

Nirad groaning as he was doing this and also loving moon's attention to his heavy long shaft she took. nirad's legs wrapping around moon's sides as he feels himself throb in her throat.

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Guilty Pleasures

Handsome golden pony feeding his own long cock into himself, his hooves planted firmly on the bed, his eyes closed, and his muzzle in a self-satisfying grin. he would have thought 'self satisfied' but the words didn't fit.

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Not your typical romp in the sack

Heat filled the room from his long cock, the pungent jock smell of cock assaulting my wolf nose as he lifted me up off my pads without evert and threw me onto the bed from across the room.

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Dr. Thomas Part One

Thomas took hold of his long cock, aiming it at the filly's dripping cunt. he gave himself a few slow strokes, coaxing out a spurt of thick pre, it splattered the filly's folds dripping onto the bed in long strands.

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Raiyev Part 22

Lowering himself cautiously to the ground, he rubbed his long member atop the ruins of one of the cities' downtown area, ploughing through it like a greatly oversized battering ram.

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Love for stallions

He seemeed to know what to do, he just spread his back legs and let me suck him off, having never done this before i just seen it done on the telly i copy them, i rubbed his long cock my mouth only just able to fit the flared head in, he then strated

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Draggo gets Gooing

What he felt was how the hand formed around his member a pussy again that she moved back and forth over the long cock of his, he gave small thrusts into her movement with it to help.

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Moonlight Dancer

She slowly slid him out her throat and mouth and jerked his long cock with her four hands rapidly and looked up at him. his eyes where clouded with pleasure, his breathing rapid, and every muscle trembled.

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Chapter 3: Birthday Wish

He kept sliding the remainder of her long cock into his mouth until he could feel it. his goal, the knot. he made the final plunge and surrounded her knot in his muzzle.

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Still got it

I watch in awe as jack pulls his muzzle out, and leaps onto max's haunches, humping wildly trying to find his mark with his long shaft.

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