What I Know

Benji's a poet, and he writes me these love poems, but when i ask him what it feels like for him, or ... when i try to understand how his mind works? he gets all shy. like how rodents do.

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 1

Who wrote this lovely poem? i've never heard the like of it before." he was standing behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist. "that is the poem of the twin pools." she nudged him in the ribs. "i can read. but there is no attribution to it.

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Clearwater Chronicles Chapter Three: The Dens Pt. One

His eyes opened slowly to stare back into a set of fiery red eyes that could inspire love poems. the wolf found himself lost in those strange and beautiful orbs, not being able to form words lest he make a fool of himself with mindless gobbledygook.

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The World is Outside

She couldn't ever forget things like that: him reading love poems to her. things he'd written just for her. there was a specialness to that kind of romantic sensibility. one that made her feel more softer, somehow. almost vulnerable.

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Getting closer with your dragon part 3

Noted reya "so put that mammalian instinct aside" "my...confession....it wasn't like... the smooth love poems i've studied" "those were written by people who never would have had the privilege to mate with a dragon.

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Long Jump

"wasn't one of those romantic, candlelight, love poem ... mate-ships. not at first. it was more, like, yeah, we liked each other, and why not? but, now? i love her dearly. i mean, i always did, but it's mellower, now. and ...

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Hypnos Academy: Last Day of the Year

"is it like oldie world love poems, or modern stuff?" the vixen continued excitedly, putting her drink down to try and wrestle the book over to her side of the table. "i won't tell anyone rosa... just let me look!" "nooo, kiyone!"

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The Distant Year - CHAPTER 2

A grin creeping up her cheeks, she practically skipped up the stairs into the dormitories of the western citadel -- being part of a sappy love poem wasn't so bad really.

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In Another Life Pt. 5

"certainly i'm not ready to write you any love poems, but i've grown fond of you, and if you ever wanted to explore what it is like to be with a dragon..." sirtas' shifted, moving so he could present rothishel with his flank.

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Finding Home (Chapter Six)

He was reciting a love poem, with words written for his lover who lay before him. yet those were words that his lover could no longer hear. --- engulfed in blazing sand storms, the dark figure of a human stumbled forth.

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Man Overboard: Commission for Toshiba

He had written her a love poem... it seems our mother was something of a romantic in her youth. my sister took after her, of course." "and you?" she shrugged. "someone has to be practical." i nodded firmly. definitely my kind of mare.

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Man Overboard

He had written her a love poem... it seems our mother was something of a romantic in her youth. my sister took after her, of course." " and you?" she shrugged. "someone has to be practical." i nodded firmly. definitely my kind of mare.

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