Collared - Chapter 2 - Morning

The wolf mocked, actually laughing after that, clearly enjoying the boy's weak mental struggles against his new place in life while demeaning laughter echoed in isaac's mind.

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Plans Change

The dragon would just approach the kit with mocking ease, and tristan mentally struggled with the cruel unfairness of the situation, visualizing a route of escape that he somehow couldn't take.

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Back Pay

The last several minutes of his life had been a valiant physical struggle as well as the mental struggle of staving off the realization that this really was inevitable. eddie shuddered now.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 18

"you sure seem to be dealing with a lot of mental struggle." "i don't want to though...but i just don't know what to think about anything." "are you afraid of something?"

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Seventeen

It believed something powerful was trying to drag it further out to sea, so it fought him with everything it had as they engaged in mental struggled as the tides inevitably carried the pokemon further from the ship.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7

She couldn't really say what was behind it, perhaps it was the doubt, the mental struggle she was going through. whatever it was, it felt good to accomplish something the cleric way, it meant that she wasn't completely lost.

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Kaleidoscope III - The Binds That Tie

Ria slowly noticed her paws drawing attention to her crotch, pulling them to her sides with a visible mental struggle. "you really th-think i look good in this? it's not too... uh...?"

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Maric: Chapter 2 Chehesapeak Focus Sight

I said, he didn't though, so i looked up into his eyes, thinking that i might have to go through another mental struggle with him again. our eyes met but there wasn't a challenge there.

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She mentally struggled with herself as the huge intruder defiled her, trying to convince herself she was despising every second of it and would bite the thing off if she hadn't been fairly defeated. in truth, she was soaking.

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The mental struggles ended, opposing halves reconciled at last - for now, at least.

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Meeting Mika - Chapter 1 - The Meet Part 1

It really didn't help his mental struggle at all to have his cock rise up to put in its two cents.

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Why You Should (or Should not) Hide Your Porn Better

He turned to mark, to see what he had to say about it, and to see if the lion had the same mental struggle he was going through. "you're not ... gonna stop ... hanging with him ... are you?" ralph questioned.

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