Dealing With Death

Angel was busy looking through her spell books to find the answer to their problem but so far all she found was the basic necromancer and voodoo ressurrection spells until there was one last book in her shelf regarding the gods and demons of asgard.

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Rose- Second Mission

"just let me have my spell book and put me in a nice, quiet room and i'll be fine," i reaffirm, not wanting to be considered useless because of my insistence on not instantly clearing out the drug pouring through my veins.

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Zorbak breaks twilly

After searching his his library of spell books he finds a very intereting spell. it was a gender swap spell. the spell changes the sex of the target from male to female and vice versa.

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Misplaced Legends: RotDK Chapter 2, the Cursed Woods.

The next hour, was spent studying his spell book, and occasionally checking with ash to see if qiari was awake yet.

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Hypnovember Day 11: Summon

"l-listen, i don't know what's going on, i was only reading something from a joke spell book thing i found! this can't be-" snap. the moth stopped, his mouth frozen in mid sentence. what was... what happened? what was he saying?

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Te'rue Wererat Stories - 2

"what if its a spell book?" "..." yes, it made her stop and think about it. sadly though... "no! there are safer ways to get new spells! besides, once we have you patched up, we'll search for the tomb of the golden colt!

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Chapter Seven: The torture of a young Kitsune

The title read: a spell book for dummies. richmantas eyes light up when he reads it, realizing he will now be able to get revenge on his parents.

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Fruits of Labor

He went up to the only untainted tree in the room, with his wand and a spell book in hand, and set himself up right in front of it. he flipped through the countless pages before coming to one in particular that caught his attention.

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The Legend of Captains Thod and Riva ((Prologue and chapter one))

"we did find a few hundred chests of gold and gems, a few spell books, one of those new electrical generators, an electric heater and plenty of vittles." he said, eyes glazing at the thought of learning some more magic. "sounds like a nice haul.

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Fallen Angel Part 4

"obsuritas, if you gave your teleportation spell book to grave sinner as a gift, why did you appoint the cloth man to kill him," asked fallen angel. "i didn't give it to grave sinner.

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scootaloo gets her wings

Applebloom said looking worried as she put the spell books on the table.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 81

Open up your spelling books and do the unit tests of _every_ unit, starting from the first one. if you finish that, there are dictionaries over there." quickly, the rest of the class obeyed.

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