Flash Pulp #21 Circle Jerk

"so we'd like you to produce sperm samples for us in the beakers beside your chairs and we've provided a few pornographic materials on the tables here. feel free to use them to your hearts' content."

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Frankenstein: the prelude

"that said, i will be extracting a blood, saliva, and semen sample.    the drugs still kept me semi-sedated even though i wanted to rip through the restraints and run away. my desire to escape, however, did not concern the woman.

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Stallion's Physical Exam

"for health purposes, it is standard practice to collect a semen sample now." she batted her eyelashes at him, the horse's head shooting up. "shall we begin, sugar? i can get you nice and relaxed now."

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Needs Part 1

Then the lagomorph was asleep again, drugged while a machine took blood, hair and semen samples. "subject has entered sleep mode. l9546 - can you hear me?" the male responded with a 'yes'. "what do you see?"

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Unprofessional Behavior

"yeah...a bit" "well, i guess that means we have to get a sperm sample." "what?" "got to check a culture. you might have an infection." i handed him a clear plastic cup. he reached for his shorts. "ok, i'll be--" "what do you mean?

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Zachary's Report - Chapter 2 - The Exam

What i'd like to do is get a sperm sample from you that we can keep on file in case anything should happen to you." zack swallowed and nodded a bit. "you're going to do it yourself?" the fox asked, a bit surprised. "that's right. i hope that's okay.

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He had a passing thought regarding how a _csi_ episode would run, having to take semen samples from off of one dazed-looking young citra who appeared to have been dipped in a tub full... and, from the look on his muzzle, enjoyed every last drop of it.

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Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 8

"ugh, i'll need another sperm sample if i'm to start this again." "i got yer sample right here." kled laughed impishly, grabbing his slicked-up dick. ziggs shook his head in disapproval.

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The Kinky Mis-Adventures of the Space Ark

He held the vial that he'd ejaculated into... the sperm sample he had to give. he watched with a growing sneer as the tiny blobs inside writhed and struggled to escape their glass prison.

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Other World Book One Chapter 3 & 4

Besides that will let me get the tests started on theses samples and by the time he's finished i'll only have to worry getting the sperm sample tested before going home tonight."

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(ZOO) COMM - Mare Tending - Chapter One -

"a semen sample, you _did_read the contract and the nda, didn't you?" david blinked slowly, his ears swishing backwards. "woah up, nobody said _anything_ about_that..."_ "_really_?" asked the vet as she frowned.

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The Rape of Shelly

He could hear the words of his professor, describing the process ever so clinically as the 'taur acted it out: _the electro-ejaculator is the most commonly used method to obtain a semen sample in large quadrupeds..._ shelly crouched

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