Better Than Him - Ch. 2

But barry just groaned wordlessly, his fork falling from his fingers as his big muscular body jerked and flexed, trickles of sweat running down his chest and leaving dark sweat marks between his twitching pecs. "_guhhhhh... ughhhhh.

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Sweet and Savory

He felt her sweat marking his fur down with her reptilian musk the more worked up she got, and her juices cascaded down his arms to pool on his chest, his belly, and all around him. that cozy rug was utterly soaked, but kaz didn't care.

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Be a Good Pup for Master (Rottweiler TF)

Randy chuckled as he sat the boy back down on the couch, panting and dripping with sweat. mark was still shivering; he had not been expecting something so intense and was still vibrating from the intense orgasm.

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Pond Scum 1

It wasn't the only place, a sheen of green sweat marked the tuft of black hair on his chest, the pelt of black hair under his arms, even his forehead. it was almost as green as the neon tattoo on the beast's shoulder, the same pentagram as mason.

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Papa Bear

His sweat marked the cushions, ensuring that piece of furniture was _his_, along with the deer themselves. they slowly worked up together, working in unison, or close enough at least.

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Wolf93 RP - The Encounter

You feel my arm flex and you feel the strength and power of my arm before i let go, the sweat marking you as mine\* there you go bitch, your punishment \*i murr\* now work your way down with your tongue, trailing across my nipple and kiss worship each ab,

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Always Read the Reviews

The black portions of his skin had darkened from a grey to a glossy black, though there were still many sweat marks and streaks running down his glossy skin, that didn't fade when he rubbed self consciously at them.

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A perfect sweat-marked footprint was visible in its place. ahastar shuddered. they wanted him to clean up _that?_ with his _tongue?_ surely those jerks couldn't be serious. but as the three looked down at him, he realized that they were.

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Heated Week V: it's getting crowded

The clerk at the front desk asked with a puzzled look on his face, then he looked below at the sloshing mass of goodness between my legs, half stained with sweat marks.

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'Brand' Name

His golden metallic coat had a sheen of sweat marking him, his forelock was dark and damp across his muzzle. he was immobilized, helpless, and by now this play room was thick with musk and the stench of chemicals.

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Black Mouse

Hissed aside, and almost immediately anne was out and on her feet, sweat marking her skin, pasting her shirt down to her body. "_saigon!

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Matchmaker: Watching Love Grow

They were wrinkled and stressed, so they'd clearly been worn, but there were no embarrassing stains on the inside pad, just a faint sweat mark. this would be perfect for getting aidan's engine revving at maximum, she just knew it!

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