A Promise Unkept

No he was not gay, but bisexual, and loved taking it up the backside from his bird, who had decided not to join the temple, while he took his now mate. "so how does it feel to be like most every other rabbit now snowball?"

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This Can't Be Bleach, It Smells Better

Artie just shivered and bit his lips, taking his first load of fresh cream up the ass.

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Humans and Dragons - Return to the Lair

The human looked at the masked kobold, who was getting it up the butt by another kobold, then at the dragon's rump in front of him. he placed his lips on the dragon's rump to kiss it. "see human? it wasn't that hard."

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Pleated skirt, rope and ice

"can't say as that particular line of thought has crossed my mind, are you saying you would take it up the ass if i had one?"

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Here there be dragons.

Still before he could voice his concerns he was shoved forwards, the pig following behind and this time, they chose to spread out more, the rat bringing up the rear.

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Life Changes:Part 3:Struggle

If its a girl he's happy but if its a guy i'm always getting it up the ass. "no dad can't i just go without being called gay?! you do this shit everytime i ask to hang out with a guy! it's a guy's night out ya know?


90 Second Analphabet

"yeah, you're totally fucking me up the ass, now." however, after only a few more thrusts, the wolf shudders and howls out, "zounds!" the wolf stops moving. the fox stands there for a moment, catching his breath as he realizes what's happened.

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Winding down

The bench to show them his small entry, he had never taken it up the butt before and the only thing he put up there was ?

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First Dream in a New School

"it'll take some getting used to, but i don't mind that you take it up the ass." fred bursts out laughing at the ferret's words. "you'll be surprise to know that i give it up the ass more than take it."

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A Trip with the Trucker

"yeah, you wanted to get it up the ass, you're going to get it up the ass. get ready for it, kitty." "oh, i'm ready."

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The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 39 - Idle Paws

Meanwhile, jiandaa contemplated whether or not taking it up the ass was truly a necessity or not, and just what her odds were of pushing the rambunctious, horny teenagers off of her were. the odds were not good.

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