Grandma, there's a wolf here for dinner..." Chp 23

We'll discuss how any new laws needing to be made will be addressed. till then all information within clan or pack issues are to be made public, as well as a discussion for the benefit transparency.

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Oh Where Oh Where

The address matched exactly the written return address her brother wrote on his last letter to home. may paid the cab driver, and with her one small suitcase, she got out of the taxi.

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Caught in the shower

"i will text you my address later. you will go straight to my house after school tomorrow." "but what do i tell my parents?," the wolf asked. "i'm sure you'll figure something out. my house tomorrow. be there."

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Bumblings of a Twenty-Something Nothing

The address mixes in my head with the elevator music, and i mouth it along as a sort of song. after just a few such repetitions, the doors _ding_ open again, and when i realize that i've been memorizing a boy's address, i blush.

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The Trophy Shop

There was a well-spoken man on the recording, giving an address, or the letters were written in an unusually articulate way, considering the state of the letters or the creepy e-mail address.

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Conquering the Fear

I decided to something a little different and write a story to address a problem that every writer faces. we all at some point feel that crippling fear of showing our work to others or just getting something written because we fear it's not good enough.

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The Joy of Giving

Maybe if he blocked the, that wouldn't work, the emails' addresses were masked...or he could delete his email address altogether...but the emails were sent to his business' email address, he would have to contact the it department to be able to

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A Beginning of Sorts

Then come to this address. come alone." and that was it. a couple of seconds later, an address and a time for later in the evening appear in the chat log. he blinks.

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A New Life Chapter 3

The address." he coughed, "please... please don't tell them where you got this." mack snatched the paper from him and looked at it. "thanks." he said, "this better be the right address or i'll be back." mack turned and left.

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 24

"i have the address, i'll head there too." he slotted his phone in the dash and started the car. the map came up, he set it for vocal directions only and started driving.

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With My Mistress Ch1

You can only talk when i address you or you have a question. if you have a question address the beginning with "mistress can i talk." only then. you interrupt me. well, you'll be in a world of pain." she took the gag out of my mouth.

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The Unfortunate Musician

The next morning, randall had taken a bus to the address, which he eventually found with difficulty. as far as he wanted to know, this address was located in the middle of absolutely nowhere!

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