Aldruin, Chapter V: Lovers

She was truly a crazy girl, gil alastor. "gil! why would you do that for me? it's your soul, gil!" yuri cried. but gil began to smile, and gave yuriko a deep, long kiss. yuriko was dumbstruck.

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Seekers Tale Part 27

I raise an eyebrow and ask, "rei, what are you and alastor doing running around the house?" she looks down at her feet a little sheepishly as she folds her ears back on her head, "we were playing since we can't go outside because of the storm."

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Blood In My Face

alastor, for a lark, could throw you and hox into a hellish void for all you know. lucifer might show up and sentence you to a whole new realm of agony. if anything happened to angel, you'd never forgive yourself, and _you'd_ rather be dead.

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 15

Her smiting rod, the monstrosity staggering before alastor swept its feet out from under it and vampire slammed his spear through the beast's chest, and it screamed and flailed before knocking all three of them flying with a wave of darkness.

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 11

He refused to think of himself as being built for any of this work... and he constantly nudged selena, carmen, sin, alastor and sabnock towards taking on a higher rank.

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Acheron Part 5

Stolas sighs "i can't confirm what he is up to, but alastor has always been one for stirring up trouble when it suits him. if i had to guess he's after your human friend." the imp raises an eyebrow "really?

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The Etching of Desires (Gift Story)

alastor from the lands of the magic crafters, judy hopps from the city of zootopia, ariel of atlantica, and many more besides.

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 10

She closed her eyes and snapped her fingers, and her vision returned to normal as she looked down and watched as a gigantic, spike-covered alastor swung forwards with a smiting rod increased in size to match his height, knocking several golems flying like

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Deus Ex Inferni IV: Madness is Relative

#4 of deus ex inferni: chronicles of alastor the war between heaven and hell is over! armageddon has ended! the world is reborn again, but the original players are not yet gone. deus ex inferni continues...

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Evokation / Book II: The Devil / Part 8

Cherry, of course, was getting almost as bad as their old friend alastor, the king of the circle of wrath and a powerful demon who was also immensely paranoid.

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Next Level Ch. 6: Checkup

"and opposing him is harold and alastor!" the images on the tv turned to pictures of a golden retriever anthro and a golbat.

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Aldruin, Chapter IV: Foxes

"our agent inside the watch reports that their king has sanctioned a new experiment, involving one lieutenant gil alastor..." but larami toned it all out. it wasn't important to her until they got to the killing part of the report.

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