Winston and the Brood - What's Yours Is...

It was one of those really nice autumn days. When the air had a nice chill to it balanced by the sun in the sky without so much as a cloud between it and the world. And Winston was holding the hand of the most beautiful girl he'd known. He'd known...

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Mistress of the Mountains

Her second had been three eggs at the age of three hundred and ten, her third brood of four eggs at four hundred and ninety-three, both broods had survived and she'd even seen a couple of her hatchlings as adults since then.

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The Dragon Trap

Her belly stretched taut, further than she had been with her own now eaten brood, thick and stretching!

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Origins - Act 2

Gryphons usually laid one maybe two eggs and both parents took turns to brood them while their mate went out to hunt. even family members would help when needed, he himself had brooded over his cousin's egg when he was just ten years old.

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Leviathan Chapter Nine: Return on Investment

The new brood are taking up a lot of space in our abdominal cavity.'_ _'i don't care. i've been waiting too long for this.

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The Celosan - Finding Purpose

No creature ever left the service of the celosan, staying as the mother to brood after brood of larvae. i had told myself i just wanted to see one. i had to find one, just to know what it really looked like.

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Zerathain: The Beginning

I grabbed my malehood, my sack of brood with my other hand and rubbed it, growling heavier, starting to thrust my invisible brood, my alpha. i imagined her there and growled as my prowess immediately responded my getting thicker, more willing.

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The Comforting Words of a Reptile Stranger

Your brood bitch is ready to become your brood mate" andrew growled. "did brood master think his brood bitch was going to pass up what he desired most?" andrew mused.

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Wolf Spider 2

Laying upon the ground, the female's bulbous backside quivering in need even as she sleeps soundly, snoring loudly, the brood mother of the forest rests.

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Epilog 1 - Gina & Rachel

The brood moved, fulfilling a deep urge within the vessel to birth healthy young. expanding her fever and her frame until she began to strain against her confines once more. a terrific dilation spread open the way for the future.

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Carnal Demonology Volume 4

---------------------------------- **brood mothers:** probably one of the most horrible fates that can befall a human female is to be transformed into the demonic species of a brood mother.

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