Tying up loose ends

He had been putting off talking to carla partly because of fear that he would get distracted and also partly because he had no idea of what to say. it only dawned on him one day during recess time as to what to do about the issue with carla...

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The manor at the hilltop

carla asked. i couldn't answear. maybe she had entered, but how? "carla, maybe she got in through the front doors..."i said, hoping everything was alright with her. "zo let's see if she's sayfe theen."carla replied.

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My Memory

Landing gracefully on his feet he grabbed carla by the paw and pulled her outside. "you're coming with me missy," he growled, leaving carla barely enough time to pull her panties up.

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Tasting The Waves

"carla marrazo, research and development officer from fantasy foods." though he shook her hand, cowabunga remained baffled by her presence. "nice to mee you, miss marrazo." "please, call me carla!" "carla, right."

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The Tournament Part 1

carla flipped a switch and robot sat up and turned it head to see those that were around him. "tadaa, my latest creation titan." carla presented with enthusiasim.

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Diary of the ODST: Act 2

Gaz gave carla a shove in the right direction towards the gates. "go, i gotta get griggs." "no, please." carla tried stopping him, grabbing hold of his collar. "don't leave me..."

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I Will Protect You - Part 1 - A Winter to Remember

carla tried to fake a smile. "alrighty, i guess ill see you then. bye bye, honey bunch." carla slid away from blake and hopped out of the car.

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Extinction Agenda, Part 1

"i know, carla. i wrote the paper on it. you have to admit though that this is taking longer than it should. what is r02 if not another canvas for us to work on?" carla grimaced at lionel's easy-going nature.

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Girls Gone Wild: Durango - Chapter 10

"so he paid for the room and carla took his girl from him?" "it was probably more involved than that. knowing most cercian females would take one look at carla's cock and want to have her." "i take it carla works here?" "worked.

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Ms. Schafer's Family 1 - 2

"enjoy...especially you, carla!" the pair shared a quick, playful wink as carla took her glass and took a full, healthy sip.

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