Shaankah On The River

I'm natasha formerly of the ship domina. i'm eshala. she and they are fine," natasha said. she lacked the deep throated hiss of a qushaana on the but shaankah got the point.

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A dizzying array of men, whores, and entertainers filled the ludus, all watched over by the happy faces of the dominae who possessed them. still, one face remained absent from the festivities.

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Vor allem anderen

Sie war wie eine gebieterische tante, eine herrische freundin und eine domina, in einer person. gegen sie versagte selbst der captainsrang. kathryn spürte wie die hand auf ihrer schulter sich suchend abwärts bewegte.

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Scarborough Fair: Homecomings

Watching the prisoners running by, the centurion smiled behind his mask, thinking, _"domina gloria will be pleased, both the primary and a large herd of breeders for the markets.

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Centaurus Chapter 18

If you're larger, more domina-, s-stronger, that is." said the elf, becoming increasingly flustered. "i'm not sure about that ella, what if it's permanent?"

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Two and A Half Orcs Chapter 1 (Exclusive teaser)

Arrow was caught in the middle of the conversation of the two who were acting more like proper adventurers, a far cry from the deviant dominas that had made him eat the cheese from their filthy cocks.

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A Twist in the Coils

"my name is domina luero venosa, i am know as a viper dragoness. and you?" she leaned in close, tongue flicking just out of range of montiga's snout. "uh, my name is montiga. pleasure to meet you, i guess."

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El Secreto de Tora: Sin mentiras

._ _a esta aventura les acompaña una tercera persona: ane, una coneja antropomorfa que domina a la perfección todo lo que tenga que ver con el tema del sexo.

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An (Un)Willing Sacrifice

"behold, lady domina luero venosa of the north seas! we offer you this feline in exchange for continued harvest of the seas!" kieran bellowed, yanking hard on manir's ropes to make him stumble forward between the two reptiles and the dragon.

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Love Locust - 1/3

The cover of "in the claws of the domina goddesses from planet sodo-10" pops back in his head. that composition, the visible characters, the title... it matches "in the claws of the weird gods from planet bone-10" in the real comic!

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Coraza de mentiras

Sin embargo, a veces esa coraza domina por completo a quien la usa, hasta el grado de que no tiene más opción que entregarle la vida a esa mentira, pues se ha convertido en algo tan grande que no puede ser destruida sin acabar con nuestras vidas.

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