The Late Christmas Special

And the bad chemicals and cholesterol and other crap like that was chemicaly dismantled and used in the glands that produced my firebreath. "mmmm.... i like the peanuts." i said, still half chewing on my half. rykuu swallowed his half.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 22 -- New Power, New Dilemna

Combining their breath attacks the two dragons quickly took out the manning force of the machine, and, by combining their firebreath, they melted through some of its critical supports and anchorings.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 21 -- And Day Returns

She became a living fireball as she pummelled her enemies with melee blows and firebreath, and collapsed on the ground when it was over, exhausted. not one attacker was left, none had escaped.

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Draco and Lily: Prom Night

I'm a firebreather." he showed him by making a small jet of fire. the parents seemed to be surprised and started to speak in a foreign language he recognized as japanese. "this boy is crazy but i like him.

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Rite of Passage

Just in time too; just as the meat began to brown over daddy's firebreath, another great sweep of wings echoed down the cavern followed by tired panting. "diamant? kilara! you here?" "here mommy!"

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My Brother, The Dragon Book 1.

I was an inventor, i used to bend metal using my firebreath and make structures out of it, anyways i used to live in this very large home, surrounded by make creations, i was bitterly lonely, then one day there was a very strange storm, and since i was the

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Endium's Game

A little bigger than him, but much stronger, thicker scales, better range with her firebreath, even _faster_ than he was, in this armor!

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Egg Thoughts

I really want to get firebreath! feels like we're overdue to be getting our magical affinities." "overdue? i don't think so." atlas did a quick estimate in his head.

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Aramis And The Snow Prince - Chapter Seven

He had struck the other dragon with several volly's of firebreath. meanwhile the knight slowly made his way to shore. nathan was alive but unconscious.

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 3

Sold to the cold firebreather! go to your new daddy, siber!" maximilian watched as his friend rigidly walked down the steps towards the dragon, and then the pair turned to walk away from the stage entirely. was that how it was going to go with him?

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Corporate Engagements 3

She pushed the phone against her head, speaking quietly and calmly, but her tails thrashing about revealed her annoyance just as clearly as azuel's firebreathing had. eventually, the kitsune put the phone down, shaking her head.

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