Soarin' Through the Clouds

He flapped his wings furiously, but he couldn't stop himself, or even slow himself down. he looked down as the ground spiraled towards him, flapping his arms and legs, trying to at least slow his descent so...

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The Fourth Siren

Her wings flap as he presses inside of her avian confines before her feathery rump pulls away along with her sisters mouths, and they once again sing in a wonderful three part chorus as he limply flaps his new feathered limbs.

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Granted Wish

Bertram ceased flapping his wings and glared at the feline, golden eyes narrowing.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 100 - No Return

Brother on one side, her on the other, they drew the flaps away. a plank of styrofoam, just short the area of the box by an inch at the foot and two at the side, rested on top.

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Past Forward

That flapping noise, however, was no mirage. in no way did it match the quiet, subtle flaps of a kindred noibat. no. loud, air slapping sounds that sent gusts into the cavern started pushing me back.

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Samanthas devious dream story

All she has to do is flap like never better and reach her nest. but that's easier said than done. no matter how hard she flaps, the nest doesn't come any closer. if anything, it is drifting farther away.

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Mercy 10: One Down

To her amusement, the two began flapping harder. she turned her attention to the ground below her and decided to make the chase interesting. she descended towards the ground, picking up speed.

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The Family Curse (Done for Narse)

flapping his lips, he felt the frustration build up in his chest before flapped his lips, reaching down to his belt and tearing the rest of his clothes off.

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Nigel Settles Down

She flapped and flapped, but she couldn't out-do the snake's tightening jaws, now cinched around her belly. she looked down in terror, the lower half of her body hidden inside asmodeus's mouth.

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Her tits flapped with every thrust as her splayed legs flapped around him. he fucked her quickly, frantically, pulling on her wrists in desperation.

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