Doin hard Time

And was arrested for assault and various other charges of crimes against all furkind. while every prisoner and guard in the place had made it their personal vendetta to break the big dangerous predator, and they had at last succeeded.

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Daring Vengeance: Part 2 of a Trilogy

She tasted wonderfully sweet to kiss, and as i re-familiarized myself with her furkind muzzle, i noticed she was missing several teeth she hadn't been missing before.

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A Single Candle, Part 1

I think it was because they were ashamed of being tribal, and anything that reminded them of it made them feel too different to be accepted by the rest of furkind." "that's an old story, out in the deserts."

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Playboys come to town

Whether at school or around town every girl swooned over them like they were god's gift to furkind. even as the officers tried to find excuses to arrest them for public indecency with the speedos they were wearing but they could never get it to stick.

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Good things cum to those who wait (paid request)

That thought was sinful but felt so right in this moment, after all the teasing and torturous edging, the touch of another furkind was almost more than shi could take. 'but..but...this is just the same as before.'

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Bad Habits

I was going to cure diseases and be the hero of furkind. that didn't work out, so now i'm working in a gas station. still, it's a comfortable life i live now. my future is looking up.

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Independent: Episode Oliver

"you've got to have a little more faith in furkind. not everyone is out to get you." "tell that to _allale_." arthur grumbled softly then nodded at him. "keep eating while talk about this." "what's to talk about?"

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A Rare Breed

Virtually all peoples and cultures of furkind were represented here in the goods and services available for trade. the species of inhabitants themselves were a diverse lot. despite the many languages being used, all spoke the common tongue of commerce.

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Independent: Episode Kanoth

"they just wanted to screw with furkind and not be blamed for it. so poor pandora gets to be guilty of dooming all mortals while the gods just sit back and laugh." kanoth rolled his eyes. "not the point.

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Dragon's Eyes

The treats now topped liz's growing list of furkinds achievments since she slept. though she was rather perplexed by cliff regarding the matter.

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Swim Meet : Issue 004

Seem to think they're god's gift to furkind. like to make fun of others, put others down, run their loud mouths off! look at them now. they think they can climb the heavens and become gods unto themselves?

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