A look back...

A look back made my day, & reminded me that things are alright, & i'm okay =] a look back... bending about vines of doubt i think back to what i have, & thought i couldn't live without ...

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A New Look

Russell looked at the attire, a thin, long, light turquoise cardigan. it did look quite comfy, but the cheetah was not quite convinced it would look good on him.

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Looking to the Future

He looked so tired and helpless that she couldn't find it in her to strike him. instead she snuggled up against him, ignoring the dirty looks from the older females.

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Just Looking

~zack <3 "oh, come on dude, it's just looking!" the orange tabby said from across the table, slapping the lynx's arm. "those jugs were huge, it'd be impossible not to look!"

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Not as Easy as it Looks

Ropes was standing in the middle of the hallway, head tilted back, looking right up at where fyr was kneeling, but with his eyes tightly closed.

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Looking for a pilot

He wasn't as strong as other dragons, yet he had a peculiar innocent look in his big blue eyes, the kind of look that made one look younger and trustworthy. he swiftly covered his slit with the helmet before haru had a chance to see it.

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All I want for Christmas is the dragon belly

Cardia looked at him confused, "why not?" "because i don't need them," sidge said looking at cardia, "i'm a dragon." "are you sure about that?" cardia asked.

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Clueless chapter 21: Great Fruity Grapefruit Gripping Flashbacks

He looked at me, cringed, and spoke out in a soft demure voice, "a'ight... maybe i can... m-meet them or somethin'..." he looked nervously at me, and then starting blushing irritably. "w-what?"

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Last Minute Look

He looked haunted, possessed, almost demonic. his vision went cloudy for a moment before it started to clear, bringing with it a heightened spectrum. his hair didn't just look blond, it looked radiant... blond at the roots, a coppery red at the tips.

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NM #8 ~ Looking

She grinned, looking back into the crowd in the hopes of another glance.

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What You're Looking For

"you kids find what you were looking for?" he asked as they headed through the open main door. he sounded barely interested. thorne glanced at quin, who grinned and looked at him and then over at the hog. "yeah," he said.

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