Tales of Earth and Animalia Prologue

The dragoner god of hell and wielder of the black spade and pickaxe of earth blacknum the black scaled. the coyoten god of order, banisher of chaos and wielder of the spear of order.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 120

A barrel full of apples (too bad the wolves didn't like anything other than meat) and a barrel that once contained oranges, but was now home to a bouquet of bent and broken pickaxes.

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Musk- A Sketch

At least this time you didn't have our good pickaxe, dummy." the husky groaned. "don't remind me-- six hours it took to get that enchanted, gone in three seconds of fire."

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Yet unnamed story

An old iron pickaxe, her tool of choice for breaking through stone in search of ore. they had, as a clan, very nearly cleaned the mine out. she was lucky to even find so much as a vein of copper.

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John's Game : Level One

He while dodging the swing pickaxes of the other rabbons, "this is bullshit! why is there a crimson unicorn here?" john growled as negotiation broke down to violence, "nag, stop his movements, miners, keep swinging at him and villager..."

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep02

Thrilled, he quickly brought out his pickaxe and began to shatter away on the ice, being careful not to harm the egg inside. after a grueling effort, alonzo managed to break the ice away and free the egg.

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Taking on Nature

With little more than a pickaxe he could, no, would be the one provider of such a fabled material.

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Circles (Un)Broken - Ch. 2 : Anton

He had his pickaxe... a-and he... he..." "he was about to kill you with it," anton pointed out firmly. "but you overpowered him." "i drove... the pickaxe back through his s-skull..." sam finished with a whisper. for a moment, no one said anything.

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The Warrior's Dove Ch:14

My eyes fell to the dried hands that held the pickaxe; counting a total of eight fingers; some were mangled and twisted, others were cut and torn; and two thumbs. i watched as the pickaxe rose again, and struck the stone next to me with a ping.

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Rogue's Fever

Tears rolled down my face as it seemed as if my entire being was becoming the target of little miners, their jaunty tiny pickaxes trying to mine my body to get at the wonderful calcium deposits hidden underneath my flesh. it hurt, oh luna it hurt!

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Manuscript: Enos and the Gnolbolds: Chapter 1: Sticky Situation

He made it to a level passageway, crouching down to avoid hitting his head against the ceiling, before coming to a larger tunnel with four branching points, the sound of iron pickaxes striking stone echoed throughout the mine, grunting sounds followed.

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Looking off into the distance, the shark whistled and muttered, "damn" as he turned back and picked up a pickaxe. grinning, he walked off and said, "come on back to camp, night's almost here." tyr sighted softly to himself.

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