Tail Battery (Vore Story)

The fact that there was a bit of a racy undertone to the bogsune's words didn't help matters, either... "u-uhhhh!!! i mean, can you tell them to spit them up or something??"

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Spot and lowering hir body to the ground before launching 4 feet in the air and split hir legs wide apart before landing on one tip paw and twirled again and gracefully danced around on stage, not once faltering, gyrating hir hips sexily, as the song was a racy

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Road Hog

Retro tape deck, attached fenders with racy rust-colored 'stripes'. the right side bounces when you go over speed bumps; lends a dash of excitement. now available in 'ghastly maroon'!_ he snorted once more, slithering out of the parking lot.

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Microscope - Chapter 1

"but could you just... tone it down a bit with the raciness"? "come now, that's just how morne talks. he doesn't mean anything by it" milvus intervened. he liked mornes off-colour style, but his wife always took issue with it.

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He couldn't help but entertain himself with more racy thoughts, and wondered what she would think if she knew. he had to remind himself just which kid he was here to take pictures of.

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Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 7

She somehow made the word "responsibility" sound racy. "well, it needs to be put somewhere warm and moist." i kissed away whatever retort she had to that. my body had way more to say than my mouth.

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After Hours Service

Whatever it had been, it had been racy enough that he'd had to, um, 'relieve' himself in the shower. maybe the endorphins would be good for his sore muscles.

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Warm Welcome Home

The two men had gotten into a discussion about a particularly racy piece of art, and that spiralled into the canine and equine wandering around italy, getting into light-hearted discussion that was seasoned with much deeper implications.

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Spot and lowering hir body to the ground before launching 4 feet in the air and split hir legs wide apart before landing on one tip paw and twirled again and gracefully danced around on stage, not once faltering, gyrating hir hips sexily, as the song was a racy

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