Project: Phoenix (Neon City, Book 3), Chapter Five

_ corona ducked back under cover, eyes wide and muzzle hanging open, and flinched as more bullets ripped into the truck. _just..._what_?_ taura frowned at her display.

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Tales From Dragon Heaven - Research Project (1/2)

He could even feel his stomach start to distend slightly as the feeding cycle grew more intense, his rubber covered eyes rolling back into his head as his overloaded mind threatened to shut down from the experience.

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (5/10)

At this point he found himself losing almost complete control as his face became blank and featureless rubber save for the lenses that formed over his covered eyes to allow him to see still.

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A Trophy Dragon

For good measure, a tough blindfold with thick padding was secured over fenor's latex-covered eyes and fasted with a strap below his jaw and a strap behind his horns, all just to make sure that no light whatsoever would ever reach his eyes again.

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Piercing Parlor Panic

Rodney just stared to chuckle as he cleaned off the bright red tiger cock, tongue lapping up leftover dregs of white dripping down the shaft cum covered eye closed as the other stared at the tiger.

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Decisions and Sacrfice Two

Karbunkle groggily asked rubbing his goggled covered eyes. the plutarkian over seeing chicago's destruction didn't realize his minions sleep deprived state. "to capture the remaining biker mouse at large, and, to top it all off.

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A Bump in The Night 18: Down The Slippery Slope

He shivered, tail twitching under the covers, eyes widening at the strangeness of this whole situation. dad was still scrabbling round on the floor, searching. her pads grazed down his sides, making him shiver.

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Programmed for Cute

Sitting at the ruins of the place she had once called home, cobalt didn't dare to take her ears off her covered eyes. carefully, the growing android went down on her knees, crushing the debris underneath them as she did.

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Greg lowered his eyes to half mast as he watched danny's fog covered eyes stare back at him with the raging inferno of his lust dancing meerily in his green orbs.

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Trophy Dragon

For good measure, a tough blindfold with thick padding was secured over fernor's latex-covered eyes and fasted with a strap below his jaw and a strap behind his horns, all just to make sure that no light whatsoever would ever reach his eyes again.

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A Real Festival Celebration 4

Two tigers and another bull stepped out of the hotel, sweeping the area with sunglass-covered eyes. gus held his breath, gripping the guitar all the tighter. if they were spotted... but they weren't. the thugs went back inside, though not far.

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