Window Shopping

The breathing of the sleeping fox was till languid and shallow, truncated with every forceful thrust of the creature mating with him. clawing down the vulpine's chest the wolf grinned wickedly, mind half-clouded in a fog of heat and savage lust.

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If You Can't Stand The Heat...

It was actually rather perverted, depicting two strange canine creatures mating with each other. "what ever." amy said, shrugging her shoulders before looking up. she almost screamed at what she saw.

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The king in the Summer

You caught yourself suddenly having strange new thoughts about this creature. sex and even dating had never had any allure for you before, but this new shape seems to have released you from shackles you never had even realized where there.

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A Commission Mothy Mayhem

Somewhere off in the distance was a man, in his bedroom, cock in hand, watching a videotape of a strange moth like creature fucking a warehouse. his warehouse.

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Roll of Fate (8): Dual Memories

The sand city glowed bright crimson as the chanting rose in pitch and tempo, the sounds of the creature fucking the woman also growing until with one last scream, she froze, the draconic creature roaring as it thrust hard into her, its member swelling at an

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The Last Line: Preparing the Breeders

The sensory tentacle moved away just in time for one of the many tapered tentacles to show up and spray a splash of cum across dracasis's face and neck in "punishment" and to make sure hir attention was on the creature fucking her senseless.

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Pokemon Spa: Rub and Tug

Sliding her fingers up, the human parted the creature's sex lips and let her tongue move in deeper. closing her eyes, she moved in and kissed the lower set of lips, her tongue squirming around inside the pussy.

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Dragon in the forest

It was disgusting in a way since he was being such a pervert, hiding behind some bushes, watching both creatures fucking against each other.

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The Hellish Goat

She would watch; her sex swollen and dripping in full blown heat, as the demonic males serviced her coven sisters, wanting it to be herself moaning and sobbing in ecstasy as the insatiable creatures fucked them again and again, for hours on end until

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That's Gnasty! [Collab with MasterInkBlaster]

They play over and over in his head until he hears gnasty's command in his mind once again: fuck the shit out of that annoying creature. "fuck... annoying... creature," magnus says, entranced and zombified as he slowly pulls out of spyro's ass.

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Sty of Pigs Trilogy

"lisa get a hold of yourself, you've turned into some creature," "fuck me!" she ordered. charlie was disgusted with what lisa had turned into, but he couldn't help getting hard by the consistent grinding.

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Build A Bear

The two creatures fucked the teddy as it squirmed around their dicks, the dog's big smile never fading from its lips.   

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