Felarya [Work in Progress Version]

A garden of eden of sorts, though as some find out when they get there, all is not what it seems. \* \* \* her hand barely kissed the waters of the slow moving jewel river she was lounging next to, her fingers being cooled by the pleasantly warm water

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Quest for the Lost Empire Part 3 of 3

A few years pass and the clock is destroyed by maxim because, of its rarity and ra and his people decide that they should leave the garden of eden. still they all lived out the rest of their lives in peace and happiness.

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Another Love Story: Chapter 5 - Apology accepted

I was astounded and i swore i was in the garden of eden or something like that! i took another whiff of the air and the heavily perfumed air entered my body as i exhaled it once again.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (The Complete Aa - Zz)

**the garden of eden** a tavern which is also a hotel and brothel located in rengilar village\*. it gets it's name for the large garden that surrounds it.


Door to Door

"sin is inherent in all of us, ever since the garden of eden," the squirrel went on. "however, the sins of everyone were forgiven when jesus christ died on the cross. his blood washed away everyone's sins. but satan is alive and well in the world today.

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Internal Study

He found this place like a garden of eden, only on a massive scale. the berries and fruit here burst with flavor and even the water itself was more pure than that on earth. they even had water purification generators...this was paradise.

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You found the fucking garden of eden!" "well let's see if we can find a spigot and fill up our water packs." kief grinned, "i'll check this end." he suggested, moving around, a big grin on his face.

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A Safe Hiding Spot

Would be just like back in the garden of eden." they both chuckled and kissed again, returning to their suv to drop off their clothes. surprisingly, there was little underfoot to give them reason to wear shoes or sandals, so they went barefoot.

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Twice the Bother

You're literally the snake from the garden of eden," that last one got the hollering on, and the dragon tried to get up, only for a pair of thick arms to grab and pull him back down on a tight hug. "come on now, man. jusst a bit of healthy teasssing.

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Adventure at Confuzzled 2014

A couple of the themes were a cow waiting for slaughter and the garden of eden. it was quite hilarious and i applaud the narrators fast-thinking, as well as the fursuiters ability to capture our attention.

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Gustav & Mikail: The Femboi Gardens

Originally this was a roleplay established by epic quest, about a garden of eden for fembois, where they could frolic among phallic fruit and act all drugged-out and horny.

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Wrath of the Titans (Chap23 Book9)

She opened the box and created original sin, just like eve brought it to the world in the garden of eden. men can't take blame because of their egos, so they blame all the evils of the world on women in several religions.

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