Good day...

As he sped off down the street with the windows down in the summer evening, he power-shifted the car into second gear and whinnied in a happy combination of pride and sheer joy. "so what are you going to name her?"

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You CAN Teach an Old Rabbit New Tricks - 01 - The Auction

Just how would the balance of power shift? well, there's only one way to find out, and the auction is about to begin...

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3.5 - Strange Bedfellows

They fear a radical power shift." "riffraff like them don't get to thwart progress," sheila said. "the power's already shifting, whether they like it or not." "that won't stop them from lashing out. they feel their way of life is threatened.

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Incubus Summons

He tried to push it back out, his throat convulsing and working in powerful shifts, but it only drove in deeper, forcing his jaws to remain held open impossibly wide before the jerk back.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 29

"its creations shape the world" diazen responded bluntly, there was nothing special about the history of the name "keepers open possibilities of power shift, hence change the course of the world, they build new possibilities.

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Planitary CH5: Random encounters. Every story has to have them.

Wars never last long when the balance of power shifts every hour with every new person." "then. then no, no i haven't seen any communities." "drat, i was hoping you'd have some idea of what to expect.

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Master of the house Chap 2

It was plain from his body language, that the older stallion was having troubled with the abrupt power shift. he was standing there slump shouldered, head lowered submissively and his ears laying back almost flat on his head.

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Xau could see the power shifting well before his people began leaving. so xau took one last action on the last day of 302 sy xau fled his territory.


D&D Love Tale: Comfort

He knew that he was no longer in control, aware of the consensual power shift. now, andre was naturally submissive to his friends and allies, doing whatever they needed or asked of him and going about it in a kind manner.

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