Eternal Blue 12 - A Wish for a Fallen Star

There was a loud bang on the door and their makeshift barricade moved slightly. "fuck us!" hikage hissed as he stood and started looking for something to hide in.

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Darwin's Legacy 8 - Wanderers

They just had to increase the dose slightly. "mating is very important for us foxes." he told them one night after a thorough cleansing. "not just for the, you know, sex, but for the kits, sons especially.

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The Furry Commandoes

Julia's tail frizzed slightly and the skin between her shoulders twitched slightly. "fuck!" desert growled as he ducked back behind the corner, then yelped as one of the shots hit him in the left arm.

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Pj and Pete chapter 16

Unconsciously his hand planted itself on the back of moose's head, holding him down as pj began to thrust his hips ever so slightly, fucking moose's mouth as he rode out the blowjob. "oh man moose... \*ooh\* ...oh that feels so good!

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Wolfholme: Cole and Rod

The soon-to-be biochemist stomped his big foot and slammed his fist into the doorframe, cracking it slightly. "fuck me! i finally open to a guy and _this_happens!" roderick held up his hands. "listen -" "what?" shouted stan.

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ChocolatEel! - A Sweet Story (Illustrated by LordSnape, WhiteMantis & UndyingSong)

The fire of their fornication filled their forms.. the subtle swells of the sea slowly soothing their slightly sex-sore selves.

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A Dragon and his Daddy part 2

His eyes went wide as he got a good side view of the dragon and he found himself licking his lips slightly. "fuck he's got a huge ass" kent grinned to himself. and the dragon did.

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A Saved Vacation

He didn't seem like he was in pain, but i stilled myself for a moment for adjustment purposes before pulling out slightly. "fuck, you're large," aspen grunted.

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Astray - Week Two

His tail flicked slightly. "fuck off." kyle glanced over and smirked. but he said nothing. however, jack wasn't as tactful. "what is that, chase, some new type of fuckin' footsies?"

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A Life Story

I must have looked like total hell, my vest dirty from falling over the hangar floor, my muzzle bleeding slightly. "fuck zen, are you alright?!" marcus burst out, rushing towards me.

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