Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 2
She's tough enough to run away from some religious fuckwit, she's tough enough to spread her legs and get paid for it!" \* ai-na walked down the street, considering her options and what had just been proposed. she had no idea what to think.
The Secret - Part 25
Or... should i call you by some religious title? when our pastor of our presbyterian church came to call in our home town, we always called him 'reverend'." "it would be correct to address us as 'my priest' or 'my priestess', while in a ceremony.
II - Destiny in the Diamond
- the nekris had constructed a place of ritual here for some religious purpose, claming the essence of their god was stronger here or some-such nonsense; the gem-itself was supposed to be some sort of gift from the heavens too but it looked like an earthly
Chapter 15 - Pushing the Limits
"just some religious right types." "did they threaten you guys?" "i doubt they would have hurt us, but for a minute i didn't think they were going to let us inside. it was scary!" "i'm glad you're okay, clare." "wanda was with me.
Assimilated Part 2: Cyborgs Fight Back
It might also be that these canines were from some religious sect that held cats as evil beings. "beta team, change of plans. rendezvous at my position. repeat, rendezvous at my position. over." "acknowledged, bullet. eta 2 minutes. over."
Demon!, Chapter 2
I hoped they got some religion out of the experience, i was certainly amused. i thought about chasing them, it would have been fun, but decided to stick to my original plan.** **one more incident occurred as i neared the club.
It's some religious thing with the hindu's and buddhists." "snakes with boobs, that's stupid!" susan said, "besides they're cold blooded and don't feel it like we do anyway. gross." "i don't know, i said, they look pretty happy to me.
Folly of the Gods A1, B10, C1
"she told me she needed help with some ... religious relic. apparently her people were self-proclaimed guardians of this thing." reno ran his hands back through his black tousled hair. "three romanian men had a tattoo on their backs.
To Love and to... Obey
They're still stuck in some... religious authority. they're one step off from savages!" "now now son, you'd best put all thoughts like that from your mind before you even step foot on the boat."
Reaper Graesham Campaign: Third Interlude
And people are more likely to listen to you when you've got some religion backing you up. modd is powerful but they just control the people's bodies and stomachs. a religion... well, they control people's hearts and minds."
The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 1 - Succubus
There were some religious nuts back home, claiming digimon were demons, satan's spawn. of course, few humans back home were foolish enough to attack creatures more powerful than them. "well thanks for your help."
Necessity Part I - Interwoven
This is not some religious instruction, tobias! this isn't a god coming down from on high to decree seed and womb be sacred. this is a king recognising a simple truth: that our numbers must grow. we must have more warriors."