The Chimeriad - Peryton - Volume 2

And if dragons attacked your town and abducted your sister for some inhuman virgin sacrifice, you found a way to rescue her while making yourself look as heroic as possible. she had not slept, and her long ruddy hair was wildly unkempt.

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The Windsar Adventures Part 9: Split the Party

But this was only a secondary desire of the overlord - ultimately, while he wanted to use the windsar scions as his pawns, the greater game he was playing was a quest to use the stolen energies of a great number of virgin sacrifices to temporarily disrupt

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The Beastmaker's Quest - UNICORN

(her government could probably rustle up a few, but putting out a call for virgin sacrifices always seemed to give a leader a bad name!)

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Softie's Stabled Relationship

The space was so gloomy and foreboding that the tiger thought he was being fed into a giant dragon maw as a kind of virgin sacrifice, even if his more rational side knew this to be silly. almost as a kind of signal, the thick horse rod left his gaping sloppy

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A Familiar for a Familiar

The sensuously beautiful demoness had first requested a male human virgin sacrifice, but vivian had refused. the demoness had finally settled for six female goats and a billy.

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Tarot Chronicles: Reading 3-- The Temperance

You might not be a virgin sacrifice but she was obviously still plenty interested in you." he grinned over at the lion, winking at him.

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The Soulflower Festival - Part Three

The ceremony doesn't ask for a virgin sacrifice. we sacrifice your virginity itself. i will explain, if you just give me the chance to do so." "i...?" lachlan blinked, looking up at last. "what do you mean?" "it's a test, lockie," his mother explained.

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Vacation Souvenirs—Chapter 10

All of that had been supplanted by his confidence in the fact that he knew this was where he was supposed to be: in kane's room, in kane's arms, kissing him, eagerly offering himself to the polar bear like a virgin sacrifice to a god of carnal pleasure.

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Melora's Journey

"now, you have heard stories, i'm sure, about dragons kidnapping fair maidens, imprisoning princesses in towers, demanding virgin sacrifices, and so on and so forth?

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