Preview - Your Lusty Office Dragon Hermification
You'd be able to hint more forcefully if her almond-shaped face, dark skin, wide hips, and teal-highlighted black hair didn't appeal to you so much.
Lightningstruck Griffin
Though she found him appealing the way he was, she couldn't help but feel certain appeal to the image that kept crossing her mind of him falling victim to a certain unfortunate circumstance.
Short-short stories: Variations on a Theme (#2)
He appealed all the way to the supreme court." "damn him! i know the appeal is mandatory, but he didn't have to work so hard at it." 'only a pro-forma appeal,' i told him. "well, your wait is almost over. you have less than an hour to live."
Geeks Do It Better
Just as if you were pro-capital punishment and appealing to a crowd of those that opposed it: appeal to them first to get their attention, acknowledge their arguments and the logic behind them, then follow with your arguments and the proof to back them up.
The gentleness of gryphon paws
Smelling the appealing paws of any creature for the first time, male or otherwise, often aroused him the most.
Legosi's Foot Loving Friends
What jack smelled was the light and appealing scent of his friend's footpaw. and on top of that he could also smell a bit of the sweat that made the fabric just a bit damp.
The gentleness of gryphon paws
Smelling the appealing paws of any creature for the first time, male or otherwise, often aroused him the most.
Nilo Breaks
I wanted to look cool and appealing for my new master! grovelling for cock wasn't bold or provocative, it was pathetic! and yet, i knew that it was the way to get what i so urgently desired!
Open Content Story: The Twins' Choice
He missed it, though; there was something about being that powerful fighter - particularly in that strange, almost invulnerable feeling latex form - that was particularly appealing.
Helfer's Busy Day, Chapter 15
"let's focus on some of your more appealing habits," helfer said, pushing the door to his chambers open. "caresh!" the fox was already at the inner door, opening it and bowing. "yes, sir.
Upside Chapter One: 10 Pieces Of Silver?
His eyes are heterochromic ; might be a genetic glitch but it does add to his appeal a bit. slender frame does have some strength to him, making him good for indoor and outdoor labor.
An Introduction to Busou Shinki
Armor parts can be equipped much like clothing, with some such parts resembling normal everyday clothing that a human would wear or specialty uniforms or costumes for aesthetic appeal.