The Art of Chance

There were no other siblings to pass the task off to and he was not going to pay someone to manage his birthright. he certainly didn't want his deceased family members turning in their graves. which they would most certainly do if he sold the farm.

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The Royal Secret part 13: Patently Awkward

This pup was in a totally alien environment, his position in the aristocracy a matter of business venture rather than birthright...master roarch, i do hope you take this time to sort yourself out...

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The Morica - Prologue: The dawn of time.

He ruled with an iron fist, and sought to claim what he saw as the birthright of the race of men.

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Cat Island, Chapter 1

She would never give up her birthright, her beast form, for something so trivial. she would rather die than bear a branded, or so the hybrids between the two races were called.

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Aldruin: Zerrick's Folly

Zerrick clung to his birthright--the pendant that was his only rightful, worldly belonging.

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The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 18: The Worst Day of His Life

She'd been waiting three hours to confront johan's little adopted monster about his unearned birthrights. the mutt was just about to head home for the night, when she saw a car pull up in front of the house.

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Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 7

As a shadowscale this was my birthright after all, so i needn't even question the decision, merely boast to my abilities. what good were those members of the hand if they were so easily slain anyway?

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Longer Than Eternal

It was all he could do not to gape at his friend's body, jeff wasn't wearing royal clothes, he had donned his normal attire that he had worn years ago, before he had come to his birthright.

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Of Fire and Desire

"these are your birthright. you may be a broodmare, but you'd be a well cared for one. that is the way of your people, is it not? are you not satisfied?" "no." she stood before peryton, proud and defiant.

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Snake Lords of the Desert 40

I have losssst my birthright. i have lossst my home. i go to war to get it back, and nothing lesssss. i will sssee my father crushed, my home regained. i will accept nothing lessss than what i am due, asss a prince of the ssssnakelandssss.

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The Royal Secret part 12: The Promise of Power

_hermaphrodites_ all link back to the original monarchy of the imperium; including the distant relative who gave you the birthright of this province."

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Eilistraee (Kreet - 39)

Someday i hope to take them away from this and return to the surface world that is their birthright. they are meant to walk the earth at night, as others walk it by daylight..."

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