Christmas Eve with my Daddy

The kit said, bonking the skunk on the nose. the skunk smacked lightly at the kit's paw and said, "no. me. and hitting isn't nice."

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All A Game Ch-1 First Moves

Suddenly he was bonked on the head with a baseball and the young stud fell over. when he hit the ground, his eyes rolled around in their sockets and trevor looked up, his mind lost in the clouds again as he slowly blacked out.

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Order Of the Wolf [P1]

In the hallway loud and heavy foot step were heard joined with a cough, minutes went by me and jim heard the foot steps get closer and closer then suddenly **bonkbonk bonk** someone knocked on the door, i stood up and opened the was the huge dragon

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The Long Gift—Chapter 12

Leneth bonks jaime on the head, who sticks his tongue out to the side and pretends to get knocked unconscious. she laughs at him. "silly cat."

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The Slide of Trust

"bonk." without a sound, kent toppled to the ground with a bit of blood oozing from his mouth. marc blinked and looked at slider but continue to dry hump lilah, holding her with one hand and undoing his pants with another.

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Bringing a Harem to the Harem 3

Not the first time, either, considering that all the doorframes were scuffed with head-bonk-marks throughout the penthouse. and purple...

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Power To The Third Eyes. (Parts one and two.)

"fucking hell.." he stood up, bonking his head on the roof of his room as he stood up. "hnnguh!" he'd grunt, glancing down at his midsection- and the throbbing cock that poked out of it past his belly button.

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A Taste of the Cookie

Gus pulled his head back up from the steering wheel, the head-bonk-beep cycle finally interrupted. he leaned his arm over the top of the wheel, giving her the least-interested stare that she'd gotten from a male in a very long time.

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Drako's wish, a Dragons tale

Kara bonked me on the head. "you're not going anywhere just yet. you still have weeks until you fully recover." "i know but still. before i go find the first key i need to find the staff of openings."

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Chapter 7 - Alan's Story

Anyways, i hope you all enjoy it ^\_^ \*\* i laughed and bonked him on the top of the head and said, "yeah. that's why i smell."

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Mad Scientist

Her warm mouth surrounded its member made it bonk uncontrollably into her face. its length went forcefully down her throat and that already opened the release valves of the horses balls. the first few spurts went directly into her stomach.

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