Tyler x Shadow 32: Tyler vs Bradley

Grabbing her by the tail, machoke ripped shadow off him and slammed her into the water "brick break!" machoke slammed his fist into her stomach "fire blast!" "shadow!"

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A Tale of Lost Souls: Part Three

The poor colt groans in embarrassment as he tosses the, now soaked, fabric off to the side while trotting over to an old brick fireplace he discovered while exploring the main room of the large, abandoned house.

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O'fur the Rainbow

"he resides in emerald city, a great green kingdom at the end of the yellow brick road, in the very heart of our world. simply follow the yellow brick road, and you will come to it." "f-follow the yellow brick road?" he asked. "is that it?

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 05

He motioned to the mule and brick grabbed theo's arm, slamming it on the table. "you have an artificial forearm. i believe you said to brick you carry your tools in it." theo tried not to show the pain. brick hadn't been gentle. "i showed him too.

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"Seasons" - Chapter 2

It had been re-bricked and re-plastered and re-whateverthefuck multiple times, shown obviously by how some bricks looked more aged and weathered compared to the new bricks. casey stepped through the foyer of the october air.

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Geography part 1

Clay bricks are a main architectural element in nmarian buildings, glazed bricks for nobles major geographical feature nmar is set on the eastern side of the central lands and just barley touches the white sea; it spans some four hundred miles across and


Silent Hill - Chapter 2

By the time he got to the gun shop, it was completely dark, and he ran into what felt like a brick wall. "where's the door on this place?"

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Dorm Days - Chapter 1

This building was also brick, but they hadn't been painted. the bricks seemed worn and their original colors had faded, turning them various shades of orange and yellow. the windows were all large and there was one stained window with the school crest.

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It Takes Both Feet to Move Forward

The familiar brick wall stretched endlessly to the side of the road, and he followed along the bricks. taruu was trying to find his way back into the maze. sen began screaming his name, in hopes he was not too late.

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A Wolf on Sauria Ch.6

Akin to hitting a brick wall, causing fox's arm to go numb. it buckled wolf but only for a moment before he was back on the attack. wind lashed the fox as he dodged brutal fists.

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Event Horizon

Marin zoomed in until the brick nearly filled her vision. with the enhanced optics, she could pick up the faint shimmer around the brick as its molecules began to react to the device's building charge. a moment ticked by.

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