Ribbon - Chapter 9

cecil was telling me everything i wanted to hear. i didn't know how to feel about that. you think you haven't grown, cecil said, but you have. so much about you has changed.

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Twokinds - Mike's Night

cecile, as vivi had, sunk herself down, impaling herself on the fox's length.

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Ribbon - Chapter 2

Maybe cecil coming out as bi left ruben feeling even more like an outsider. the only straight in the village. so, i lived with cecil for a while. he was my best friend and, yes, we fucked sometimes, but it was a casual thing.

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A New Team

cecil asks, happy at the idea of moving in. "that would be awesome!" snow squeals, running over to hug me. cecil following suit and joining us right after. i hug them back and pull them both close to my chest. "that it would.

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A new found toy

cecil panicked and his brain was only running on emergency program.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 4 of 29, "All of this, is ours. We built this."

"dad, the fact that you know what chicken tastes like," cecil says. grean smiles. "you do, too, cecil." "he's never had--oh, his_dreams_," vick says, correcting himself. he rolls his eyes. cecil looks at vick.

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5 : Obscured

Elliot told cecil to give them a minute to talk, and after protesting for about a minute, cecil finally walked away from the arched corridor, staring scilius down as he passed. "okay, what." elliot blurted out after taking a deep breath.

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3 : Obscured

Even cecil, resting his head upon his paw, was in a better mood. scilius hadn't heard any insults or caustic comments from him all day. no, instead, cecil's had a rather pleasant attitude, giving both scilius and elliot supportive smiles.

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CH6 Imperium

Lord cecil propped his elbows on the large, round table. "and what are these 'things' you suggest?"

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